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maintenance and usage of canteen staff rest room area

maintenance and usage of canteen staff rest room area

1.1 To describe a procedure to maintain the neatness and robustness of canteen/staff rest room area and to provide healthy environment to the employees for refreshment. Regular and frequent cleaning and disinfection is essential in order to create and maintain a tidy and safe working environment.
2.0 SCOPE 
2.1 This procedure is applicable to canteen/staff rest room areas
3.1 Housekeeping Staff: responsible for cleaning activity.
3.2 HR officer/ designee: responsible for monitoring cleaning and sanitization of factory.
4.1 HR head: accountable to ensure the compliance of this procedure.
5.1 HR department is responsible for keeping the area hygienic and maintaining revitalizes environment.
5.2 Cleaning solutions and disinfecting solutions shall be prepared and handled as per SOP for ‘Preparation, storage and issuance of cleaning and disinfectant solutions’, SOP No.
5.3 Cleaning and Sanitization of Floor:
5.3.1 Floor cleaning and sanitization by vacuum cleaner and machine mopping: Clean the floor of all area by using vacuum cleaner. Then clean the floor with cleaning solution (0.1% v/v of teepol solution) by using mopping machine followed by mopping with purified water. Disinfect the floor with the help of mopping machine using disinfectant solution as per schedule. Frequency: Twice a day and as per requirement. Record the details of daily maintenance as per format ‘Daily Maintenance of Staff Restroom Record’, Format No
5.3.2 Floor cleaning by manually mopping : (Alternative Method) Take two clean buckets, Mark the bucket as Bucket-A and Bucket-B. Take approximately 5 liter purified water in one bucket (bucket A) and cleaning solution in another bucket (bucket B). Dip the clean mopping cloth into the bucket B (containing cleaning solution) and squeeze it. Wipe the floor with mopping cloth. Dip the used mopping cloth into the bucket-A containing purified water and wobble the mopping cloth. Rinse and squeeze the mopping cloth. Again, dip the mopping cloth into the bucket B (containing cleaning solution) and squeeze it. Wipe the floor with mopping cloth. Replace the purified water from bucket A, after dipping used mopping cloth three times and clean the entire floor in the same manner. Take another bucket (Bucket C) containing water. Wipe the entire floor with mopping cloth. Record the details of daily cleaning as per format ‘Daily Maintenance of Staff Restroom Record’, Format No
5.4 Tables, chairs, & furniture of Staff Refreshment Room:
5.4.1 Tables, chairs & furniture should be cleaned daily and as per requirement.
5.4.2 First clean the tables, chairs, &, furniture, etc. by using vacuum cleaner or dry clean cloth or napkin Then wipe the tables, chairs, cupboards, racks, furniture, etc. with cotton cloth moistened with purified water and finally disinfect it by wiping with the cotton cloth moisten with disinfectant solution.
5.4.2 Record the details of daily cleaning as per format ‘Daily Maintenance of Staff Rest Room Record’ Format no
5.5 Waste bin:
5.5.1 Waste bin shall have a polybag inside and proper lid which stops outside insects to penetrate in garbage.
5.5.2 Clean all waste bins twice a day and change the polybags as well.
5.5.3 Discard the waste collected in the waste bin in a designated area.
Scrub the waste bin and lid from inner and outer side and wash by using water.
5.5.4 Record the details of daily cleaning as per format ‘Daily maintenance of Staff Rest Room Record’ Format no
5.6 Sink:
5.6.1 Clean all sinks twice a day by using teepol first and then scrub it by scrubber.
5.6.2 After cleaning by scrubber, rinse it with water.
5.7 Locker:
5.7.1 Locker should be provided to each individual employee on sharing basis, where one locker is share between two employees.
5.7.2 Individual employee should be responsible for cleaning of his/ her locker.
5.8 Usage of Restroom:
5.8.1 Restroom use only for staff
5.8.2 Workmen of production process area are allowed in canteen only during tea break and lunch break.
5.8.3 Garbage should be disposed in proper manner to the waste bin.
6.1 Trainer – Head of department.
6.2 Trainee – All concern person.
6.3 Period – One hour or as per required.
7.1 One set of master copy & controlled copy submitted the quality assurance department
8.1 : Daily maintenance of Staff Rest Room Record

9.1 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
9.2 HR : Human Resource
9.3 HOD : Head of Department
9.4 cGMP : Current Good manufacturing Practices

Daily maintenance of Staff Rest Room Record


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