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sop for receipt issuance retrieval and destruction of rubber stereo

sop for receipt issuance retrieval and destruction of rubber stereo

1.1 The objective of this SOP is to define the procedure for Receipt, Issuance, Retrieval and Destruction of Rubber Stereo.
2.1 This SOP is applicable for Receipt, Issuance, Retrieval and Destruction of Rubber Stereo
3.1 Executive-Quality Assurance – Prepare the SOP and follow-up the SOP accordingly.
3.2 Asst. Manager-Quality Assurance -Provide the support to the implementation of SOP and maintained the records.
4.1 Head – Quality Assurance Department
5.1 Not Applicable

6.1 Stereo Indent form should be prepared by Production officer, checked by Production Head and verified by QA as per Format No.
6.2 B. No., Mfg. Date, Exp. Date, MRP, Font Size and Qty. of Stereo should be mention on Purchase order of Stereo and send it to stereo making agency mentioning required qty. of stereo
6.3 On receipt of Stereo, first check the B. No. and qty. of stereo against the Purchase order.
6.4 Check the individual stereo impression for details which is given in purchase order. It should be recorded on stereo impression format. Impression checked by QA, Reviewed by Production and final approved by QA. Stereo impression .check format as per Format No.
6.5 Maintain the log book for stereo impression
6.6 Approved stereo kept in under lock and key with QA person.
6.7 If received stereo is not as per order reject it and destroy it by cutting into pieces and transfer it to scrap yard at specified place and inform the supplier.
6.8 According to planning of production, production person will take the stereo of particular batch from QA department. Stereo should be issue after previous batch stereo retrieved in QA. Investigation to be done if the qty. of retrieved stereo is not match with issue stereo qty.,
6.9 Retrieved stereo shall be destroyed by QA person by cutting into pieces.
6.10 Maintain the record related with usage of stereo in “Stereo Receiving, Issuance, Retrieval and Destruction Record” as per Format No.


SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
QA : Quality Assurance Department
B.N. : Batch Number
Mfg : Manufacturing
Exp : Expiry
Qty : Quantity


Annexure No. Title of Annexure
Annexure-I Stereo Impression Check Record
Annexure-II Stereo Issuance, Retrieval and Destruction Record
Annexure-III Stereo Indent Form


Product Name :   Batch No. :   Batch Size :  
Mfg. date         :   Exp. Date :   M.R.P.       :  
Qty. Ordered   :   Qty. Received :   Good Qty. :  
Supplied By      :     Reject Qty. :  
1 8
2 9
3 10
4 11
5 12
6 13
7 14

Checked BY:                                             Reviewed By:                                             Approved By:
(QA)                                                             (Production)                                                (QA)


Stereo Issuance, Retrieval and Destruction Record





Stereo Indent Form




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