sop on receipt & storage of dispensed raw materials

sop on receipt & storage of dispensed raw materials

1.0 Objective: To describe the procedure for receipt and storage of dispensed raw materials.
2.0 Scope: This procedure is applicable to receipt and storage of dispensed raw materials in production
3.0 Responsibility: Production Officers / Executive.
4.0 Accountability: Department Head shall be accountable for the compliance of the system.
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Receive the dispensed Raw materials for a complete batch along with the BMR.
5.2 Check Name of the ingredient, B. No, Mfg. Date, Exp. Date, Net Qty. and AR. No. of active material and tally it with the raw material requisition and BMR.
5.3 Ensure that each ingredient is dispensed in double poly bags with inner and outer labels.
5.4 Put all the dispensed ingredients on the platform or rack in R M Day Store batch or lot wise.
5.5 Ensure that liquid ingredients are dispensed in HDPE drums. Check that there is no leakage on out side of the drums and surface is dry and clean.
5.6 Ensure that solvents for coating are dispensed in SS containers to avoid any leeching.
6.0 Abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expanded Form
BMR Batch Manufacturing Record
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
PR Production
NA Not Applicable
SS Stainless Steel


7.0 Distribution List:

S. No. Department Name No. of Copy
1. Quality Assurance 01
2. Production 01

8.0 References:
In – House



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