Entry & Exit procedure In Sterility Area

Entry & Exit procedure In Sterility Area   1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down a procedure for entry & exit procedure in Sterility Area. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applicable to entry & exit procedure In Sterility Area 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Microbiologist QC 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 QC Manager 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Entry Procedure 5.2 First … Read more

Fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory.

Fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory.   1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down Procedure for Fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applicable for Fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Microbiologist QC 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 QC Manager 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Requirement 5.1.1 Fogger 5.1.2 Silvicide 5.1 Methodology 5.2.1 Connect the fogger plug to main … Read more

Operation and temperature monitoring of Refrigerator

Operation and temperature monitoring of Refrigerator   1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 The objective of this SOP is to define the procedure for operation and temperature monitoring of Refrigerator. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This SOP is applicable for the operation and temperature monitoring of refrigerator in the microbiology  department. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY. 3.1 Microbiologist-QC 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 Q.C. Manager … Read more

Analysis of water for microbial load in microbiology lab

Analysis of water for microbial load in microbiology lab     1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down the procedure for analysis of water sample for estimation of the number of viable aerobic micro- organisms present & for the detection of Pathogenic microbial species. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to the analysis of water … Read more

Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware

Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware   1.0 OBJECTIVE                      1.1 To lay down procedure for Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applicable for  Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware In Microbiology Laboratory 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Microbiologist QC 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 QC Manager 5.0 … Read more

Operation and cleaning of air sampler

Operation and cleaning of air sampler   1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down the Procedure for operation and cleaning of air sampler. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applicable for operation and cleaning of air sampler of Microbiology Laboratory 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Microbiologist QC 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 QC Manager   5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Requirement 5.1.1 Sterile … Read more

Operation and cleaning of Pass Box.

Operation and cleaning of Pass Box.     1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down a procedure for Operation and cleaning of Pass Box. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure applicable for Operation and cleaning of Pass Box In Microbiology Laboratory 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 Microbiologist QC 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 Q. C. Manager   5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Operation … Read more

Operation of Horizontal Laminar Air Flow in the microbiology laboratory

Operation of Horizontal Laminar Air Flow in the microbiology laboratory   1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down a procedure for use of Horizontal Laminar Air Flow in Microbiology Laboratory. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to the operation of Horizontal Laminar Air Flow in the microbiology laboratory to carry out microbiological analysis 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY … Read more

Raw material and finished products ,Packing material specification, method of analysis and worksheets & Standard Test procedures.

Raw material and finished products Packing material specification method of analysis and worksheets & Standard Test procedures.   1.0. OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down a procedure for Preparation, review and revision of Specifications, method of analysis, protocols & Standard test procedures. 2.0. SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to all raw material and finished products … Read more

procedure for Cleaning of laboratory glassware

procedure for Cleaning of laboratory glassware   1.0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 To lay down a procedure for Cleaning of laboratory glassware. 2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable for Cleaning of laboratory glass ware in Quality control Department 3.0 RESPONSIBILITY 3.1 QC Officer or QC Executive 4.0 ACCOUNTABILITY 4.1 QC Manager 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Preparation of … Read more

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