Many benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning

सुबह सुबह उठकर खाली पेट पानी पीने का बहुत सारे फायदे हैं   हमारे शरीर में जितना वेट है उसके दो तिहाई भाग पानी होता है अगर हम सुबह सुबह उठकर खाली पेट पानी पीते हैं तो शरीर के जो विषैले पदार्थ है  उससे छुटकारा मिलता है तथा कब्ज रोग से भी मुक्ति मीलती है … Read more

Benefits from Surya Namaskar Surya Namaskar

Benefits from Surya Namaskar Surya Namaskar The first and  the second  asanas    will    give  you  peace,  inspiration  and  concentration  and  you  will  move  towards  spiritualism.   2. The second  and    eleventh  asanas  will give you the spine  exercises of the  arms  and  back.   Therefore,    the  abdominal  muscles  will spread.  Spine  and  neck    pain   This will … Read more

How to practice Meditation

How to practice Meditation The practice  of meditation is  an  act in which  the   yogi  concentrates  his  mind    to  connect  with the Supreme Soul.      In the serious  practice  of     meditation, the yogi deliberately  tries  to get  closer  to the manifestations  of the Almighty  Supreme Soul.    This  work  is possible in a   very      simple  manner,   but  … Read more

Household work is not exercise

Household work is not exercise   It is necessary for a   yoga  student  to  understand  the difference between normal work  and  exercise.     A  housewife   is a vivid  example   of  a  person  who does not  understand the   difference    between the magnitude of tritita and  its type. The  activity of a  woman      in  normal  activities  and  systematic … Read more

benefits of Shatavari plant

  benefits of Shatavari plant SHATAVARI   Scientific name-Asparagus racemous Family-Lilliaceae Common name-Shatavar Sanskrit name-Shatmoli   USES It is used in mental disorder. It is used in piles and indigestion. It is used in heart disease to improve the blood circulation. It is help to improve the immunity. It is help in urinary diseases. It … Read more

Benefits of Ahifem plant

Benefits of Ahifem plant AHIPHEN Scientific name-Papaver somnifrum Family-Papaveraceae Common name-Ahifem Sanskrit name-Ahiphen                                            USES Its paste apply in joint swelling ,plueral swelling. Also used in ear and eye swelling. It used as pain killer. Its help in insomnia. Its help to stop internal bledding. Its paste apply on urinary bladder in painfull condition. … Read more

Ardraka ayurvedic plants benefits

Ardraka ayurvedic plants benefits            ARDRAKA Scientific name-Zingiber officinale Family-Zingiberaceae Common name-Ardraka Sanskrit name-Sunthi       USES Its warm paste apply on joint swelling. Its improve digestive fire and help in indigestion. It used in fever. In lungs disorder it is used. It is good for heart. It give strength to our body. In winter … Read more

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