Benefits from Shashankasana asana

Benefits from Shashankasana asana 1. Adrenal corrects the function of the pranthi. 2. Calms anger. 3. By practicing it, the children would stop urinating on the bed. 4. The thorn on the face increases and there is no wrinkle or shrinkage then 5. Sciatica reduces pain. 6. Relieves constipation. 7. Work removes disorders. 8. Anal … Read more

How did the body stay healthy

How did the body stay healthy   This knowledge  is based  on  four  principles:   You yourself have    the    great  vitality    by  which  you  can  always  maintain  your  health.    This vitality is  present in   every  molecule  within  you    and  it  is very  stria  in the early  years  of  your  organism.   But   if  it is   … Read more

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