sop for discipline inside the factory

1.1 To describe a procedure to maintain discipline inside the factory.
2.1 This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to all employees/ visitor of the factory.
3.1 Departmental officer/executive: shall execute this SOP.
3.2 All departmental head to ensure the compliance of this SOP.
4.1 Head –HR shall responsible for compliance with this procedure.
5.1 Premises Entry:
5.1.1 For Staff: Employees shall come on time and with proper identification and punching their thumb without fail on Biometrics machine and they need to make manual entry in their department register as well with correct time and signature. Employees shall not carry match box, cigarette lighter, liquor, etc. inside the premises. If such materials found, security department shall collect and retain the same. Employees’ hair and nail must be properly cut on time to time. Keep hair short, clean and neatly combed. Wearing of jewelries such as bracelets, bangles, rings, ear-rings etc. is not permitted. Employees shall not consume food and drinks in the manufacturing, packing, storage and laboratories areas. This includes the chewing of pan, betel nut. Employees are trained to clean up the working area thoroughly before starting next operation.
5.1.2 For Visitors When any visitor enters the factory premises, first he/she shall collect visitor’s gate pass from security personal. Carrying mobile, camera, laptop or any parallel device is prohibited in factory premises. If any tools, equipment or any other item is carried by the visitor, security personal shall enquire about the purpose of carrying tools etc. and shall make list of that equipment, tools or any item. Security personal shall allow carrying such material only with prior written permission from higher authority. When visitor exits the factory, security person shall collect the visitor’s entry pass signed by the concerned employee to whom the visitor has met.
5.1.3 For Security Personnel Security personal shall make sure that no one carries match box, cigarette lighter, liquor, inside the premises. If such materials found, security department shall collect and retain the same. Security personal shall not allow anyone to carry mobile, camera, laptop or any parallel device in factory premises. He shall allow that only with prior written permission from higher authority. At the same time the security personal shall check Identity Card of the employee if he/she is found without identity card he/she shall not be allowed to enter in the office premises. At the time of arrival of any visitor/guest security personal shall coordinate with HR/concern person to whom the visitor wants to meet. After confirmation security personal shall make visitor’s gate pass and the details shall be recorded in visitor’s register. Security personal shall make sure that vehicles of all the employees are parked in a specified parking area. Vehicles of visitors shall not be allowed inside the factory premises except for V.V.I.P.’s vehicle. In case of any deviation observed by the Security personal in the factory premises, he has to report to HR Department.
5.2 Leave Formalities
5.2.1 If in between the shift time any employee (except in accidental case) needs to go out, he/she shall fill the Gate Pass and get authorization of the same from department head and HR In-charge and shall submit the same to security personnel while leaving.
5.2.2 If any employee needs to go for leave he/she is reliable to fill leave application with authorized permission and signature.
5.3 Warning
5.3.1 If any employee is found absent for more than 3 days without permission and prior information he shall be given warning letter from HR department.
5.3.2 If any employee is found misbehaving he shall be given warning letter.
5.3.3 If any employee’s behavior/decision/action is resulting in company’s mislay he shall be given warning letter.
5.4 Disciplinary Action
5.4.1 According to company Policy Against Use of Threatening, Abusive And Vulgar Language In Workplace, suitable disciplinary action would be taken in any such instances which fall under use of Threatening, Abusive And Vulgar language in workplace.
5.4.2 According to company Policy on Sexual Harassment Prevention of Employees in case the committee finds the degree of offence coverable under the Indian penal code, then appropriate action shall be initiated by the management, for making a police complaint.
5.4.3 Tobacco chewing and cigarette smoking in the company premises is prohibited. If anyone is found chewing tobacco or smoking cigarette, he/she will be reliable to pay penalty of Rs. as per rule
5.4.4 Employees shall drive his/her vehicle at 10km/h speed in factory premises. Speed should not be increased more than 10 km/h.
5.5 Factory Inspection
5.5.1 To confirm that system and discipline are followed by employees or security personnel, factory inspection is necessary.
5.5.2 HR personal is responsible to take round of factory and if deviations are observed discuss it with respective department head.
6.1 Trainer – Head of department.
6.2 Trainee – All concern person.
6.3 Period – One hour or as per required.
7.1 One set of master copy & controlled copy submitted the quality assurance department.

8.1 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
8.2 HR : Human Resource
8.3 Km/h : Kilometer per hour
8.4 VVIP : Very Very Important Person





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