Preparation storage and issuance of cleaning sanitizing and disinfectant solutions

Preparation storage and issuance of cleaning sanitizing and disinfectant solutions


1.1 To lay down the procedure for preparation, storage and issuance of cleaning, sanitizing and disinfectant solutions require for cleaning, sanitization and for disinfection purposes.
2.1 This procedure is applicable to House Keeping, Human Resource, Warehouse, Production, Quality Control and Quality Assurance Departments
3.1 Production Officer/Executive: Responsible for preparation, storage and Issuance of solutions.
3.2 Production Head: Responsible for compliance with this SOP.
3.3 QA Head: Responsible for compliance with this SOP

4.1 Department Head
5.1 Description:
5.1.1 Cleaning solutions: Normally used for cleaning of all vessels, tanks, equipments, utensils and area.
5.1.2 Sanitizing solutions: Normally used for sanitizing of floors, walls, hands, sealing, and equipments.
5.1.3 Disinfectant solutions: Normally used for disinfection of floors, walls, hands, sealing and drains.
5.2 Precaution:

5.2.1 Solution container must be air tight.
5.2.2 Only purified water shall be used for preparation of solution.
5.3 Preparation of Cleaning Solutions:
5.3.1 0.1 % v/v solution of Teepol: (Code- T) For Example 10 Lts Solution: Take 10ml of Teepol in a clean container and dissolve in 9.99 liter of Purified Water. Fill ‘Solution Preparation Label’ Format No.: and affix on the container. Use this prepared solution within seven days from the date of preparation.
Record the preparation, issuance and destruction details of cleaning solutions in the format of ‘Preparation, issuance and destruction record’ Format No.:
5.4 Preparation of Sanitizing Solutions:
5.4.1 Preparation of 70% v/v IPA:

For Example 10 Lts. Solution: Take 7000ml of IPA with the help of measuring cylinder and transfer into the previously cleaned HDPE container. Rinse the measuring cylinder two times with 1000ml purified water and transfers the rinse to the same HDPE container. Close the HDPE container and shake to mix the solution. Open the HDPE container and add 1000 ml purified water with the help of measuring cylinder. Close the HDPE container and shake the container for 5 minutes to mix the solution. Fill ‘Solution Preparation Label’ Format No. and affix on the container. 24 hours validity period shall be given to the solution from the date of preparation. Record the preparation, issuance and destruction details of sanitizing solutions in the format of ‘Preparation, issuance and destruction record’ Format No.
5.5 Preparation of Disinfectant solutions:
5.5.1 The standard disinfectant agents are Dettol and Savlon.
5.5.2 2.5% v/v solution of Dettol/Savlon (10 Liters):
Code: D- 2.5% v/v Savinox; S-2.5% v/v Savlon Take accurately 250 ml of disinfectant agent (Dettol/Savlon) with the help of 500 ml measuring cylinder pour it in HDPE container. Rinses the measuring cylinder two times with 500 ml purified water and transfer the rinse into the HDPE container. Close the container. Shake the container to mix the solution. Open the HDPE container and add 8750 ml purified water into it with the help of 500 ml measuring cylinder. Again Close the HDPE container and shake well to mix the solution for 5 minutes. Fill ‘Solution Preparation Label’ Format No. and affix on the container. 24 hours validity period shall be given to the solution from the date of preparation and solution to be change in weekly basis. Record the preparation, issuance and destruction details of disinfectant solutions in the format of ‘Preparation, issuance and destruction record’ Format No.:
6.1 Trainer: Department Head.
6.2 Trainee: Production, Quality Assurance and Operator person.
6.3 Period: one hour or as per required.

7.1 One set of Master copy and one set of Controlled copy submit the QA department.
: Preparation, issuance and destruction record.
: Solution Preparation Label
9.1 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
9.2 HR : Human Resource
9.3 v/v : Volume by Volume
9.4 ml : Milliliter
9.5 L : Liter
9.6 % : Percentage
9.7 HDPE : High Density Polyethylene








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