sop for job responsibility

sop for job responsibility

1.1 The objective of this SOP is to define the procedure for job responsibility of the employees with respect to their job and duties for work.
2.1 This SOP is applicable for employees with respect to their job and duties work
3.1 Asst. Officer or above –Quality Assurance – Prepare the SOP and follow-up the SOP accordingly.
3.2 Asst. Manager –Quality Assurance -Provide the support to the implementation of SOP and maintained the records.
4.1 Head – Quality Assurance Department / Chief Executive Officer.

5.1 The job responsibility lays down the basic responsibilities. The employee is also required to carry out work as per instruction given by seniors.
5.2 Job responsibility of concerned department person shall be prepared by Head of concerned department.
5.3 Job responsibilities to be prepared as per Format
5.4 The employee is appraised of the job responsibility and his / her signature is obtained as a token of acceptance. The job responsibility gives clarity in token of job to be performed and reporting relationship.
5.5 The job description is approved by the head of department.
5.6 The job description of Head of department is approved by CEO.
5.7 The job description of CEO approved by the Director or The Managing Director.
5.8 After preparation and approval of job responsibilities of all the person, concerned HOD shall submit master copy to QA department.
5.9 QA personnel shall issue controlled copy to all concerned person / department.


SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
QA : Quality Assurance
CEO : Chief Executive Officer




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