sop for operation and cleaning of conveyor belt

1.0 Objective: To describe the procedure for operation and cleaning of conveyor belt.
2.0 Scope: This procedure is applicable to conveyor belt.

3.0 Responsibility: Operator / Production Officer / Executive
4.0 Accountability: Department Head shall be accountable for the compliance of the system.

5.0 Procedure:

5.1 Operation:
5.1.1 Check the cleanliness of the conveyor belt as well as area. There should not be any traces of the previous product.
5.1.2 Take the line clearance from Q.A. Officer.
5.1.3 Switch ‘ON’ the main power supply.
5.1.4 Switch ‘ON’ the conveyer belt.
5.1.5 After completion of the packing switch ‘OFF’ the power supply of the conveyer belt and main power supply.
5.1.6 Affix ‘TO BE CLEANED’ status label.
5.2 Cleaning:
5.2.1 Switch ‘OFF’ the conveyer belt and main power supply.
5.2.2 Clean the surface below the conveyer belt with wet cloth followed by clean dry lint free cloth.
5.2.3 Clean the packing conveyer belt from outside with clean dry lint free cloth.
5.2.4 Clean the surrounding area with 2.5 % Dettol or savlon solution.
5.2.5 Affix ‘CLEANED’ status label.

6.0 Abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expanded Form
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
PR Production
QA Quality Assurance

7.0 Distribution List:

S. No. Department Name No. of Copy
1. Quality Assurance 01
2. Production 01


8.0 References:
In – House

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