benefits of Shatavari plant

  benefits of Shatavari plant SHATAVARI   Scientific name-Asparagus racemous Family-Lilliaceae Common name-Shatavar Sanskrit name-Shatmoli   USES It is used in mental disorder. It is used in piles and indigestion. It is used in heart disease to improve the blood circulation. It is help to improve the immunity. It is help in urinary diseases. It … Read more

Ardraka ayurvedic plants benefits

Ardraka ayurvedic plants benefits            ARDRAKA Scientific name-Zingiber officinale Family-Zingiberaceae Common name-Ardraka Sanskrit name-Sunthi       USES Its warm paste apply on joint swelling. Its improve digestive fire and help in indigestion. It used in fever. In lungs disorder it is used. It is good for heart. It give strength to our body. In winter … Read more

Benefits of Haridra Plant

Benefits of Haridra Plant  HARIDRA Scientific name-Curcuma longa Family-Zingiberacae Common name-Haldi Sanskrit name-Haridra USES Its paste apply on swelling,skin disease and wound. Its also apply on skin for glow and beauty. Its paste apply on liver region in liver and spleen increase. It is best medicine in skin allergy. It help to improve digestion system. … Read more

Benefit of guggul plant

Benefit of guggul plant              GUGGUL Scientific name –Commiphora mukul Family -Burseraceae Common name -Guggul Sanskrit name-Devdhoop    USES Its smoke help to remove bad smell. It paste apply on joint swelling,skin disease, piles. It is use in heart disease. It is used in cough,obesity,indigestion. It is used in fever. Its is used in female … Read more

Benefits of Lavang plant

Benefits of Lavang plant LAVANG Scientific Name-Syzygium aromatics Family-Myrtaceae Common name-Lavang Sanskrit name-Devkusum    USES It is used in toothache by killing bacteria. Its paste apply on skin in skin diseases. Its oil apply on penis in infertility. It improve digestion fire. Its help to reduce bed smell in mouth. It is used in fever. … Read more

Benefits of the guduchi or giloy plant

Benefits of the guduchi or giloy plant Scientific name -Tinospora coridifolia Family -Menispermaceae Common name -Giloy                     Sanskrit name-Amrita                                                  USES Hay fever-It is used to decreases szeezing,nasal itching . Helps in reducing temperature during fever. Useful in skin infection ,fungal infection . In jaundice giloy … Read more

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