Benefits of Shavasana

Benefits of Shavasana It controls the  nervous system.   It relaxes the lost and stressful  mind.  It should be  done  initially  for  two  to    five  minutes  and  all the asana   This must be done  even  after Surya  Namaskar.  If you do this asana at  night, it     causes   deep  sleep.  It is somewhat   helpful  in  controlling   blood … Read more

gas free asana

gas free asana This asana is very  effective  in extracting  gas  from    inside  the  stomach.   It  is very  beneficial  in  removing   complaints  of   indigestion  and  constipation.    Seekers need  wind-free  and  gas-free asanas   before   they perform  asanas ,  as  it  calms and   relaxes the body  and    mind ,  resulting in  hope-  based      benefits.   Method … Read more

Asanas of shaktibandha

Asanas of shaktibandha There is prana in the body and there is  power  in the  soul  itself. Prana  is  transmitted  all the   time      throughout the body.  It  causes  a  variety  of  diseases   due to  disorders.   Those who do  not  do  yoga are not  dynamic  and    infused as per the   requirement.  The asanas   of shaktibandha  do … Read more

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