sop for man power planning and employment procedure

1.1 To describe a procedure for manpower planning and employment of staff, operators and workers.
2.1 This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to all employees
3.1 HOD of Concern Department: Shall identify and send their manpower requirement to Head-HR.
4.1 Head-HR: accountable for arrangement of manpower as per requirement after approval by Plant Head.
5.1 Staff:
5.1.1 HOD shall identify and send approved, budgeted manpower requirement during submission of annual budget or during mid-year during the review or as per requirement to HR Department in manpower requisition form.
5.1.2 HR Head shall forward it to Plant Head for approval and after approval decide the source of manpower availability from advertisement, local and outstation placement services.
5.1.3 Scrutinizing shall be done by HR Department in normal circumstances as per manpower requisition form for technical positions; applications shall be forwarded to the respective HOD for scrutinizing.
5.1.4 Setting of preliminary interview dates shall be decided mutually by HR and respective HOD.
5.1.5 Interview panel shall be HOD and HR. Final selection shall be done by HR.
5.1.6 Outstation candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed to and fro journey fair as per HR policy. On selection, staff shall undergo pre- employment medical check – as per SOP No.
5.1.7 Fresh staff recruited shall be kept on one year training. One month before the completion of Training period his performance shall be asked and if satisfactory, shall be put on six months’ probation.
5.1.8 After satisfactory completion of probation period candidate shall be confirmed in writing. If performance of concern found unsatisfactory, his probation shall be extended by three months and individual shall be informed to that effect.
5.1.9 Experienced staff shall be appointed directly on probation and shall be confirmed in writing after successful completion of probation period with the evaluation and recommendation of the concern HOD.
5.1.10 Staffs shall undergo training as per SOP ‘Training’, SOP No.
5.2 Operators:
5.2.1 For the recruitment of operators, HOD shall send manpower requisition and recommend the name of the working area. HR shall make individuals /review on his general behavior in and outside of the workplace, his attitude.
5.2.2 Evaluation shall be done and then shall be considering for one year On Job Training, again evaluation shall be done, and shall keep on Six months’ probation.
5.2.3 After recruitment, employee shall be keep on induction training to make him aware about systems and procedure, activities carried out, discipline, rules and regulations to be followed, procedures to be followed while in the company. Inform him about his shift, working department, lunch and tea time intervals, lockers where to keep his personal belongings, use of toilet and ask them to follow general instructions as per SOPs and cGMP.
5.3 Workers:
5.3.1 For the recruitment of workers, HOD shall send manpower requisition and recommend the name of the working area. HR shall arrange the workers.
5.3.2 Worker shall be recruited through on contract basis from manpower providing agencies. Contract agreement between the organization and the manpower provider agencies shall be prepared By HR Department.
5.3.3 Workers must qualified at least 10th class or higher as per the criticality of the respective area.
5.3.4 After recruitment, he shall be keep on induction training to make him aware about systems and procedure, activities carried out, discipline, rules and regulations to be followed, procedures to be followed while in the company. Inform him about his shift, working department, lunch and tea time intervals, lockers where to keep his personal belongings, use of toilet and ask them to follow general instructions as per SOPs and cGMP.
6.1 Trainer – Head of department.
6.2 Trainee – All concern person.
6.3 Period – One hour or as per required.
7.1 One set of master copy & controlled copy submitted the quality assurance department.

9.1 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
9.2 HR : Human Resource
9.3 HOD : Head of Department
9.4 cGMP : Current Good manufacturing Practices



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