Name of Product   BENZYL ALCOHOL  


Parameter         Analytical Method Validation for Benzyl Alcohol  by HPLC
Method followed     By HPLC    
Supersede No.           Nil
Total No of pages  
Effective Date  


Sr. No. Title Page
Product Description
Table of contents
1.0 Document Preparation and Protocol Approval
2.0 Revision Control History
3.0 Objective
4.0 Scope
5.0 Reason For Validation
6.0 Responsibility
7.0 Description of Method Belonging
8.0 Training Details
9.0 Details of Analytical Method
10.0 Chromatographic Conditation
11.0 Performance Parameter of Validation
12.0 Selection of Analytical Parameter Performs
13.0 Specificity (Selectivity)
14.0 Precision
15.0 Table for sample assay
16.0  Inter Mediate Precision
17.0 Accuracy (Recovery)
18.0 Sample Sequence of  Accuracy
19.0 Linearity
20.0 Acceptance criteria
21.0 References

Preparation and Approval of this Analytical Method Validation document will be joint responsibility of the following functional area. Any modification in this document shall be documented and approved.

1.1 Prepared By:

Name Designation Signature Date
Executive – QC    

1.2 Reviewed By:

Name Designation Signature Date
Executive – QC    
Manager – QC    

1.3  Approved By

Name Designation Signature Date
Head – QA    

2.0 Revision Control History:

Effective Date Version no. Superseded no. CCF no. Reason for Review
00 Nil NA New documents

To perform Analytical method Validation of Benzyl Alcohol and provide documentary evidence that the method used for Analytical method Validation of said product full fill the regulatory & compendia requirement. This protocol presents and discusses the result obtained in the Verification study for the parameter namely Specificity, System Suitability, Precision (Repeatability), Accuracy, Linearity, the test method.

4.0 SCOPE:
This document is applicable for the Analytical method Validation of HPLC Method which is applying for the Determination of Analytical validation for Benzyl Alcohol, to be manufactured at
Fast Pharma Pvt. Ltd.

Regulatory Requirement

The following functions are involved in the Analytical method Validation performing & shall carry out the following responsibilities.

6.1 Quality Control:
6.1.1 Officer & Executive Quality Control: To perform the analysis in the Verification and evaluate the data as per protocol.
6.1.2 Sr. Officer: To prepare the protocol and review all data evaluated as per protocol.
6.1.3 Manager Quality Control: To provide technical support, review the protocol and ensure that all parameter performed as per protocol.

6.2 Regulatory:
6.2.1 To provide technical support, review and approved the protocol and ensure that all parameter performed as per protocol.

7.1 Product Detail:
7.1.1 Name of Product: BENZYL ALCOHOL
7.1.2 Generic Name: BENZYL ALCOHOL
7.2 Method Details:
Methodology: High performance liquid chromatography
Training shall be imparted to all concern persons involved in Analytical method validation activity w.r.t. cGMP & concerned analytical technique required for analysis & details will be attached in analytical method verification report’ activity, as per below mentioned format.

Training shall be imparted to all concern persons involved in Analytical method validation activity w.r.t. cGMP & concerned analytical technique required for analysis & details will be attached in analytical method verification report’ activity, as per below mentioned format.

Purpose To train all personnel involved in the execution of this protocol
Topic ·    Purpose

·    Procedure

·    Method details

·    Acceptance criteria

·    Documentation etc.

S. No. Name of Participants Area of Operation Sign/Date

9.3  Reagents and Chemicals

Sr. No. Name of Reagent Grade Make Lot No.
1. Methanol
2. Sodium Acetate

Diluent: Buffer and Methanol (30:70)
Standard solution:
Dissolve 100 mg of benzyl alcohol RS in the mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml with the mobile phase. Dilute 5 ml of this solution to 50 ml with the mobile phase.


Test solution:
Dissolve 100 mg of benzyl alcohol in the mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml with the mobile phase. Dilute 5 ml of this solution to 50 ml with the mobile phase.

9.4 Chromatographic Condition:
Column Dimension: a stainless steel column 25 cm × 4.6 mm, packed with octadecylsilane bonded to porous silica (5µm),
Buffer: Dissolve 20.4 gm. Of sodium acetate 1000 ml of with water.
Mobile phase: Buffer and Methanol (30:70).
Flow rate: 1.0 ml per minute.
Wave length: 254 nm
Injection volume: 20 µl.
System suitability:
Samples: Inject the Standard solution and the test solution
Suitability requirements:
Relative standard deviation: ……………….not more than 2% for Benzyl Alcohol standard solution.
Tailing Factor: …………….. not more than 2.0, Standard solution
Analysis Samples: Standard solution and Sample solution.

5   Calculation:


Area of test           wt. of std.         5                      100                                50        Potency

—————–× ————— ×——× —————————–× ——–× ————-× 100

Area of std.               100    50                      sample                       5          100


.         std               5                         100            50       Potency

—————–× ————— ×——× —————————–× ——–× ————-×  100

100          50                        sample                   5             100



10.0 Performance Parameter of Validation:

Sr. No. Performance Parameter
1. Specificity, System Suitability, méthode Precision (Repeatability) System precision & Inter mediate precision, Accuracy, and Linearity.

To the validation of the HPLC method used for the determination of Assay of Benzyl alcohol the following parameters should be performing.

11.1 Specificity (Selectivity):
Purpose: To establish Specificity of test method and to demonstrate its ability to assess unequivocally the Analyte in the presence of components which may be expected to be present? It ensures that there is no interference from Excipients and /or degradation products and /or impurities or the Analyte with each other
• Study Design: Demonstrate the Specificity of the test method by Injecting Blank, Standard solution & test solution.
• Chromatographic Condition: …………………………………………………As per methodology.
• Blank: …………………………Diluent
• Diluent: ………………………………………Buffer and Methanol (30:70)
• Standard solution: Dissolve ————- 100 mg of benzyl alcohol RS in the mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml with the mobile phase. Dilute 5 ml of this solution to 50 ml with the mobile phase.
• Test solution: Dissolve ————- 100 mg of benzyl alcohol in the mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml with the mobile phase. Dilute 5 ml of this solution to 50 ml with the mobile phase
The Observations are tabulated below

Sr. No. Type of Solution Retention Time Area
1. Blank
2. Standard solution
3. Test solution

• Data Evaluation: Each chromatogram shall be processed & peak areas shall be calculated & reported.
• Acceptance Criteria: RSD of five replicate injections should not be more than 2.0 %.
• System Suitability:
 Tailing Factor: Not more than 2.0 for the Benzyl Alcohol peak, Standard solution.
 RSD: NMT 2.0%, Standard solution.
• Conclusion: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

11.2 Precision:
The Precision of an analytical procedure is the degree of agreement among individual test results when the procedure is applied repeatedly to multiple samplings of a homogeneous sample. The precision of an analytical procedure is usually expressed as the standard deviation (SD) or relative standard deviation (RSD) (Coefficient of variation) of a series of measurements. Precision may be a measure of either the degree of reproducibility or of repeatability of the analytical procedure under normal operating conditions.
• Diluent, standard solution and chromatographic condition: Proceed as directed under point no. 9.0.
• Procedure: five replicate injections of standard preparation shall be chromatogram as per analytical method.
• Calculation: Calculate the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%.
• Conclusion: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

A) Repeatability:
• Purpose: The Purpose of method Precision is to evaluate & demonstrate the precision of Analytical method under the same operating conditions over a short interval of time.
• Study Design: The assay is determined of 6 test solutions at 100% concentration representing a precision of method evaluated by % RSD of assay Results.
• Chromatographic Condition: ………………………………………………As per methodology.
• Diluent, standard solution, chromatographic condition and procedure: Proceed as directed under point no. 9.0.
• Test Solution: Six assay preparations of the sample shall be prepared as per the Analytical method.

The Observations are tabulated below:

Sr. No. Standard No. Area
01. Standard Solution -1
02. Standard Solution -2
03. Standard Solution -3
04. Standard Solution -4
05. Standard Solution -5
  • Observation Table for Sample and Assay:
Sample No. Average area Assay % Mean Assay % %RSD
Test 1    
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6


• Data Evaluation: The Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of Assay of six preparations shall be calculated and reported.
• Acceptance criteria: RSD of Assay of six preparations should not be more than 2.0 %.

• System suitability:
Tailing Factor: _____________ not more than 2.0 for the Benzyl Alcohol peak, system suitability solution.
RSD: _____________ not more than 2.0%, Standard solution.
• Conclusion: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

• Purpose: The Purpose of method Precision is to evaluate & demonstrate the precision of Analytical method under the same operating conditions over a short interval of time.
• Study Design: The assay is determined of 6 test solutions at 100% concentration representing a precision of method evaluated by % RSD of assay Results.
• Chromatographic Condition: ………………………………………………As per methodology.
• Diluent, standard solution, chromatographic condition and procedure: Proceed as directed under point no. 9.0.
• Test Solution: Six assay preparations of the sample shall be prepared as per the Analytical method.

• The Observations are tabulated below:

Sr. No. Standard No. Area
01. Standard Solution -1
02. Standard Solution -2
03. Standard Solution -3
04. Standard Solution -4
05. Standard Solution -5
  • Observation Table for Sample and Assay:

• Data Evaluation: The Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of Assay of six preparations shall be calculated and reported.
• Acceptance criteria: RSD of Assay of six preparations should not be more than 2.0 %.
• System suitability:
Tailing Factor: _____________ not more than 2.0 for the Benzyl Alcohol peak, system suitability solution.
RSD: _____________ not more than 2.0%, Standard solution.
• Conclusion: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

12.0 Accuracy (Recovery) :
• Purpose: The Purpose of Accuracy of test method is to evaluate & demonstrate the closeness of agreement between the value which is accepted either as a conventional true value or an accepted reference value and the value found.
• Study Design: The accuracy is demonstrated by preparing recovery samples (i.e. spiking known qty. of API) at a level of 50 %, 100 % & 150 % of sample concentration at Triplicate in each level.

• Chromatographic Condition: As per methodology.
• Diluent, standard solution, chromatographic condition and procedure: Proceed as directed under point no. 9.0.
• Test Solution: Benzyl Alcohol at three different levels 50 %, 100 % and 150 % of test concentration in triplicate (i.e. total nine determinations) covering the specified range and analyzed as described under methodology.
• Sample Sequence for Accuracy:

Sample  Name Number of Injection Injection Volume Run Time
Blank 1 20µl
Standard  solution 5 20µl
Test solution 3 different level (duplicate in each level) 20µl
Standard  solution Bkt. 1 20µl
  • The Observations are tabulated below :
Sr. No. Standard No. Area
01 Standard Solution -1
02 Standard Solution -2
03 Standard Solution -3
04 Standard Solution -4
05 Standard Solution -5

• The observation are tabulated in table:

Recovery level Set No. Peak Average area Recovery






100 %
150 %

• Data Evaluation: The Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) of Assay of three preparations shall be calculated and reported.
• Acceptance criteria: RSD of Assay of three preparations should not be more than 2.0 %.
• System suitability:
Tailing Factor: ______________ not more than 2.0 for the Benzyl Alcohol peak, system suitability solution.
RSD: _________________ not more than 2.0%, Standard solution.
• Conclusion: …………………………………………………………………………………………..

13.0 Linearity:
• Purpose: The Purpose of Linearity testing of analytical procedure is to demonstrate its ability (within a given range) to obtain test results which are directly proportional to the concentration (amount) of analyte in the sample.
• Study Design: Demonstrate the Linearity of the test method Blank & Stock solution (given below). A series of standard solutions shall be prepared (minimum of five preparations) over a range of 50 % to 150 % of the standard concentration Benzyl Alcohol
• Chromatographic Condition: As per methodology.
• Diluent, standard solution, chromatographic condition and procedure: Proceed as directed under point no. 9.0.

• Standard solution: Dissolve ————- 100 mg of benzyl alcohol RS in the mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml with the mobile phase. Dilute 5 ml of this solution to 50 ml with the mobile phase the mobile phase.
• Test solution: Dissolve ————- 100 mg of benzyl alcohol in the mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml with the mobile phase. Dilute 5 ml of this solution to 50 ml with the mobile phase phase
• Sample Sequence for Linearity:

Linearity Level Sample Name with Conc. In µg/ml Stock Solution                Diluted to volume Injection Volume No. of Injection Run Time
Blank 20µl 01
Standard Solution 20µl 05
50 % Linearity -50 ppm 2.5 ml 50 ml 20µl 01
80 % Linearity -80 ppm 4.0 ml 50 ml 20µl 01
100 % Linearity 100 ppm 5.0 ml 50 ml 20µl 01
120 % Linearity -120 ppm 6.0 ml 50 ml 20µl 01
150 % Linearity -150ppm 7.5 ml



50 ml 20µl 01

• Data Evaluation: Inject above solution into HPLC System & record the area of Analyte peak. Plot a graph of concentration (in X-Axis) Vs Analyte peak area (in Y-Axis) and the Correlation coefficient reported.
• Acceptance criteria: The Correlation coefficient should be not less than 0.995.
• System suitability:
• Tailing factor: ______________ not more than 2.0 for the Benzyl Alcohol peak, system suitability solution.
• RSD: ______________ not more than 2.0%, Standard solution.
• Conclusion: …………………………………………………………………………………………..


Sr. No. Title Acceptance Criteria Observations/Conclusions
1. Specificity There shall be no interference from the peaks due to blank at the retention time of main ingredient.
2. Method Precision
2.1 Repeatability RSD of assay of six preparations should not be more than 2.0 %.
2.2 System  precision RSD of assay of six preparations should not be more than 2.0 %. The relative difference from method precision should be not more than 2.0 %.
2.3 Inter Mediate Precision RSD of assay of six preparations should not be more than 2.0 %. The relative difference from method precision should be not more than 2.0 %.
3. Accuracy Average recovery at each respective level within 95.0% to 105.0% and RSD of Triplicate recovery results should be not more than 2.0%.
4. Linearity The Correlation coefficient should be not less than 0.995.
5. Accuracy(Recovery) RSD of assay of 3 preparations should not be more than 2.0 %.


ICH Guidelines

WHO Guidelines

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