sop for Artwork Checking
1.1 To lay down a procedure for Procedure for Artwork Checking.
2.0 SCOPE :
2.1 This procedure is applicable for Procedure for Artwork Checking at abc company.
3.1 Officer / Executive QA or designee shall be responsible for checking the artwork
4.1 Manager QC
4.2 Head QA.
5.1 Designing officer shall be prepared the artwork of new product with concerned of party.
5.2 Then Designer shall be sent the hard copy of artwork to QA department for checking.
5.3 QA Executive/Manager shall be check the artwork as per annexure-I.
5.4 If any correction in artwork sent back the artwork to designer for correction.
Designer shall be correct the artwork as per correction and again sent the artwork to QA for
approval with previous copy.
5.5 If artwork is ok then QA shall approve the artwork and sent back to designer for printing.
Sr. No. Abbreviation used Full form of abbreviation used
1. QA Quality Assurance
2. QC Quality Control
3. SOP Standard Operating Procedure
7.0. ATTACHMENTS (ANNEXES) : Checklist of Artwork Checking
Sr. No. | Reference Title |
1 | In-house |
- process validation protocol for methylcobalamin niacinamide and pyridoxine injection
validation protocol of sterility test
sop for Analytical Method Transfer
Protocol for hold time study of sterile garments
sop for swab sampling for validation of clean surfaces
cleaning validation maco and noel calculation formula
sop for performance qualification for analyst
Sop for Validation report for disinfectant efficacy
Sop for Method validation report for bacterial endotoxin test
Sop for method validation microbiology sterility testing
sop for validation report for preservative efficacy test
sop for Protocol cum report for efficacy qualification of uv light
sop for validation protocol for uv light efficacy of dpb & laf
sop for cleaning validation protocol tablet manufacturing equipment
sop for cleaning validation protocol ointment manufacturing equipmentconcurrent process validation for rabeprazole ec and domperidone sr capsules
sop for Validation for cleaning procedure liquid injection
sop for Validation for cleaning procedure dry powder injection
Preparation Approval Control and Distribution of Master Formula Records
calibration policy for equipment and instruments
evaluation Sampling of Raw Materials questionnaire
training evaluation questionnaire
sop for approval of Contract Parties
sop for Operation and Cleaning of Purified Water Generation System
sop for Storage of Standard Weights
process validation protocol for methylcobalamin niacinamide and pyridoxine injection
validation protocol of sterility test
sop for Analytical Method Transfer
Protocol for hold time study of sterile garments
sop for swab sampling for validation of clean surfaces
cleaning validation maco and noel calculation formula
sop for performance qualification for analyst
Sop for Validation report for disinfectant efficacy
Sop for Method validation report for bacterial endotoxin test
Sop for method validation microbiology sterility testing
sop for validation report for preservative efficacy test
sop for Protocol cum report for efficacy qualification of uv light
sop for validation protocol for uv light efficacy of dpb & laf
sop for cleaning validation protocol tablet manufacturing equipment
sop for cleaning validation protocol ointment manufacturing equipmentconcurrent process validation for rabeprazole ec and domperidone sr capsules
sop for Validation for cleaning procedure liquid injection
sop for Validation for cleaning procedure dry powder injection
Preparation Approval Control and Distribution of Master Formula Records
calibration policy for equipment and instruments
evaluation Sampling of Raw Materials questionnaire
training evaluation questionnaire
sop for approval of Contract Parties
sop for Operation and Cleaning of Purified Water Generation System
sop for Storage of Standard Weights
sop for Verification of Weighing Balance