General Test Procedure Water Content


    General Test Procedure Water Content

  1. Purpose
    1. This procedure is applicable to all incoming Raw materials, In-process and Finished products.
  2. Apparatus
    1. Karl Fischer Apparatus
  3. Reagents
    1. Karl Fisher Reagent
    2. Methanol (Dried)
    3. Disodium Tartrate
  4. Procedure
    1. Unless otherwise specified, weigh/measure accurately a suitable quantity of sample containing about

                        20 mg to 40 mg of water content. Transfer sample in to titration vessel containing previously

                          neutralized methanol KF vessel, wait for about 1 minute and start addition of KF reagent, record the

                             volume of KF reagent.

    1. Place enough methanols or other suitable solvent in the titration vessel to cover the electrode.

                          Neutralize the water present in the solvent with KF reagent and quickly add about 200 mg of

                          Disodium Tartrate or about 30 mg of water to the vessel and titrate to the end point. Calculate the

                               water equivalence factor (F), in mg of water/ml of reagent by the formula given below:

Note: Determine the water equivalence factor in triplicate (%RSD of the three values should not

           be more than 1.0%) and take the average value for determination of water content samples.

Calculate the Water Content by the formula under:


  1. Reference
    1. None
  2. Revision History

Revision No.

Details of Changes

Reason for change




End of Document

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