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sop for Cleaning of Warehouse Department


sop for Cleaning of Warehouse Department


1.0 Objective
To lay down a procedure for cleaning of warehouse department.
2.0 Scope
This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for cleaning of warehouse department to be followed

at formulation plants of abc company.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Officer/Executive warehouse shall be responsible for ensuring the cleaning in Warehouse production.
3.2 Head Warehouse is responsible for implementation of this SOP.
3.3 Head QA or his designee shall be responsible for compliance of this SOP.
4.0 Abbreviations and Definitions

SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
No : Number
i.e. : That is
WH : Warehouse
w.r.t : With respect to
5.0 Procedure

5.1 Preparation of Disinfectant Solution
5.1.1 Select the type and concentration of the disinfectant of the type specified in “Schedule for Preparation of Disinfectant”.
5.1.2 Prepare the disinfectant solution by diluting with purified water as per schedule give in

SOP No.   for e.g. To prepare 10 liters of 2.5% Dettol solution – Take 250 ml of

Dettol in a container and add 9.75 liters of purified  water and stir gently for a minute.
5.1.3 Isolate the utensils used for preparation of disinfectant in an enclosed area.
5.2 Floor Cleaning
5.2.1 Fill the purified water in solution compartment of floor cleaning machine.
5.2.2 Close the top lid & take the Floor cleaning machine to the area to be clean.
5.2.3 Connect the plug to nearby socket & switch on the floor cleaning machine.
5.2.4 Run the machine at all the areas of Warehouse.
5.2.5 Drain out the collected dirty water and wash the compartment with purified water.
5.2.6 Then run the machine in the same area using day’s disinfectant solution.
5.2.7 Drain out the collected dirty water.
5.2.8 Clean the areas with mope where the machine is not reachable.
5.3 Doors And Windows Glass Cleaning
5.3.1 Remove dust from the windows glass, doors and doors frame by dry duster.
5.3.2 Spray the “Colin” (Glass cleaner) on the glasses of the windows, doors and doors

frames and wipe off by glass cleaning wiper.
5.4 Cleaning of Ceiling, Wall Surfaces And Inlet Air Grills
5.4.1 Take the vacuum cleaner with appropriate accessory in the room. Switch on the vacuum cleaner.
5.4.2 Remove the dust from wall surface; inlet air grill & ceiling by using vacuum cleaner.
5.4.3 Use ladder for cleaning at heights.
5.4.4 Use moist dusters to remove stains/finger prints from wall surface.
5.5 Drainage & Waste Bin Cleaning
5.5.1 For Drainage Cleaning Remove the lid of drainage. Remove the residual sticky materials, if any. Scrub with nylon brush and flush with purified water. Clean the lid and place in original position.
5.5.2 For Waste Bin Cleaning Remove the poly bag from the waste bin. Clean the waste bin with purified water. Wipe with dry duster.
5.6 Cleaning Of Tube Light Covers, Electric Switches and Fixtures
5.6.1 Switch off the mains of the related electrical connections.
5.6.2 Clean the tube light cover; external surface of the switches and electrical fixtures by using dry duster.
5.7 Cleaning of Fenders, Pendent & Riser
5.7.1 Clean the fenders, outer panel of riser and utility pendent with moist duster.
5.7.2 Remove the filter from riser by unscrewing the bolt. Transfer it in a polybag. Take it to the washroom

and clean the filter by flushing air.
5.7.3 Clean the outer surface with moist duster.
5.7.4 Wipe the fenders, risers and pendants with dry duster.
5.8 Check visually for cleaning:
5.8.1 Floor should look clean.
5.8.2 Doors and windows glass should look clean.
5.8.3 Cleanliness of ceiling; inlet air grill and wall surfaces.
5.8.4 Drainage & waste bin should look clean.
5.8.5 Tube light cover & electric switches should look clean.
5.8.6 Fenders, risers & pendants should look clean.
5.8.7 Stains are completely removed & area should look clean.
5.9   Frequency
5.9.1 Floor cleaning – At start & end of shift & whenever required.
5.9.2 For Door & Window glass cleaning – Once in a shift.
5.9.3 For Ceiling & Grills cleaning – Once in a week.
5.9.4 For Tube light cleaning – Once in a week.
5.9.5 For Fenders & pendants – Once in a week.
5.9.6 For Drainage cleaning – Once in a shift.
5.9.7 For Stains – As and when required.
5.10 General Conditions
5.10.1 Stores Supervisor shall decide the sequence of cleaning.
5.10.2 Nose masks shall be used while cleaning.
5.10.3 Ladders shall be used wherever required.
5.10.4 Cleaning shall be carried out at the start of shift and during break time. In between,

if there is spillage of material; Stores supervisor shall instruct the housekeeping workmen.
5.10.5 Note the cleaning activity in Annexure-1.
5.11 Precautions
5.11.1 Do not damage the raw material bags, containers, pallets or label of the materials while performing the cleaning activity.
5.11.2 Do not perform cleaning when activity is going on.
5.11.3 Change the disinfectants (like Dettol, Savlon) in alternate day.
5.11.4 Use the disinfectants in predefined concentrations. Before using the disinfectant get it verified from Stores Supervisor.
6.0 Forms and Records
6.1 Warehouse Area Cleaning Record – Annexure-1
7.0 Distribution
7.1 Master Copy – Documentation Cell (Quality Assurance)
7.2 Controlled Copy – Warehouse Department.
8.0 History

Revision Number Details For Change
Reason for Revision
00 New SOP NA
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sop for Cleaning of Warehouse Department

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