sop for Trend Analysis of QMS Document


sop for Trend Analysis of QMS Document


1.1 To lay down a procedure for preparation Trend Analysis of QMS Document (Deviation, Change control, Incident).

2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for the Trend Analysis of QMS Document (Deviation, Change control, Incident)

3.1 Officer/Executive-QA: Preparation, Review, Issuance, and retrieval of SOP.
3.2 Head -QA: For review, Approval and effective implementation of SOP.

Head QA


5.1 QA Officer/Executive shall maintain the log of QMS documents like change control, deviation & incident as per their respective SOPs.
5.2 On the basis of log of QMS documents, QA Officer/Executive shall prepare the trend of QMS documents quarterly as per format presented in Annexure-I, II & III for trend charts.
5.3 After preparation of trend data, it shall be reviewed by Officer/Executive/Asst. Manager and approved by Head QA and Review Comments shall be given by Head QA.


S. No. Abbreviations used Full form of Abbreviation used
1. QA Quality Assurance
2. SOP Standard Operating Procedure
3. HOD Head of department
4. ETP Effluent treatment plant

7.1.1 Annexure-I Trend of Change Control
7.1.2 Annexure-II Trend of Deviation
7.1.3 Annexure-III Trend of Incident


S. No. Reference Title
1.0 In House

Annexure-I Trend of Change ControlĀ 

Annexure-II Trend of Deviation

Annexure-III Trend of Incident

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sop for Trend Analysis of QMS Document

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