General Test Procedure Identification by TLC

General Test Procedure Identification by TLC

  1. Purpose
    1. This procedure is applicable to incoming Raw materials, in process and finished products.
  2. Apparatus
    1. Thin Layer Chromatographic Plates
    2. Micro syringes
    3. Micropipettes
    4. Calibrated disposable capillaries
    5. TLC chamber
    6. UV chamber
  3. Reagents
    1. None
  4. Procedure
    1. Prepare mobile phase by mixing solvents in the ratio as per given in the individual test.
    2. Procedure in a stoppered measuring cylinder and transfer it into a clean TLC chamber, if require

                            saturate the mobile phase by lining a filter paper and run the mobile phase.

    1. Prepare solutions as given in the individual test procedure.
    2. Apply specified amount of solution on the precoated plate by using a micropipette.
    3. The spots should be at least 10mm apart. If necessary the solution may be applied in portions drying

                          between applications.

    1. Keep the plate such that the spots are above the level of the mobile phase.
    2. Keep the plate in the saturated chamber as vertical as possible and run the mobile phase up to 1/3rd of

                         the plate or as mentioned in the individual test procedure. Close the tank and allow to stand at 20-250C.

    1. Take the plate and dry at room temperature or as specified in individual test procedure.
    2. If required spray the plate with specified solution otherwise examine in ultra violet light at 254 nm or 360 nm.
  1. Reference
    1. None
  2. Revision History

Revision No.

Details of Changes

Reason for change




End of Document

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General Test Procedure Identification by TLC


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