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sop for Engineering Spares Parts Inventory Control


sop for Engineering Spares Parts Inventory Control



1.1 To lay down a procedure for Receiving of Stockable engineering inventory material.

2.0. SCOPE :

2.1 This Procedure is applicable for Receiving of Stockable engineering inventory material at pharma dekho


3.1 Engineering-Officer


4.1 Head of the department


5.1. Engineering officer shall manage the receiving of Material from Store Department
5.2. He shall ensure that while receiving the Material from Stroe Material is As per Indenting Specification.
5.3. He shall check the Quality with the our requirement.
5.4. He shall check the glass materials carefully that it is not received in broken condition if the same condition is found inform Department head of Store.
5.5. He shall Inform respective department regarding the receipt of their material.
5.6. He shall Inward all the Material in Inward register as follows.

5.7 Prepare GRN (software generated) as per ( Annex I ) give for the sign of Store                            Department
5.8 Enter Misc Programme in Store Department


Sr. No. Abbreviation used Full form of abbreviation used
1 QA Quality Assurance
2 SOP Standard Operating Procedure
3 GRN Good receipt Note
4 Misc Miscellaneous
5 CH Challan
6 UOM Unit of measurement
7 RM Raw Material
8 PM Packing Material
9 PPC Planning and Production Control

8.0. REFERENCE :  In House

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sop for Engineering Spares Parts Inventory Control

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