sop for Dispensing of Solvent and Liquid Material
1.0 Objective
To lay down a procedure for dispensing of solvent and liquid material.
2.0 Scope
This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable for dispensing of solvent and liquid material to be followed at formulation plants of ABC Company.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Officer / Executive warehouse shall be responsible for dispensing of Solvent and Liquid Material.
3.2 Head Warehouse is responsible for ensuring the compliance of the SOP.
3.3 Head QA or his designee shall be responsible for implementation and compliance with SOP.
4.0 Abbreviations and Definitions
SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
i.e. : That is
No : Number
w.r.t : With respect to
WH : Warehouse
SS : Stainless Steel
BPCR : Batch production and control record
HOD : Head of Department
QA : Quality Assurance
5.0 Procedure
5.1 Ensure that the dispensing area and dedicated barrel pump are clean.
5.2 Take the line clearance from QA as per respective line clearance SOP.
5.3 Ensure the warehouse officer / executive in dispensing area for using cleaned S.S. container.
5.4 Dispensed the material according to dispensing sheet as per BPCR.
5.5 Material to be dispensed in FIFO (First In First Out) principle.
5.6 Follow proper gowning procedure as per SOP No. .
5.7 Transfer the required no. of solvent container in dispensing area.
5.8 Solvent Dispensing done in clean S.S. Container and kip it on the balance to record the weight.
5.9 Calculate the gross weight by adding the required net weight quantity.
5.10 Add the required quantity of material using barrel pump in the clean S.S. Container placed on the Balance.
5.11 Close the solvent material container and the container in which material is dispensed.
5.12 Dispose off the used hand gloves in the waste bin.
5.13 Affix the “Dispensing Label” with details of gross, tare & net weight on the dispensed material.
5.14 Warehouse person sign on the “Dispensing Label” and BPCR in done by Column..
5.15 The IPQA person shall verify the Item code, A.R. No., Retest date, Expiry date, weight and signature on the “Dispensing Label” and BPCR.
5.16 Warehouse personnel shall transfer the dispensed materials through Lift along with one copy of BPCR to production and store copy for records.
5.17 Production personnel shall check the material and sign on the “Dispensing Label” in checked by Column.
5.18 Update the entries in Master Resources Planning Software for the dispensed material against the BPCR.
6.0 Forms and Records
6.1 None
7.0 Distribution
7.1 Master Copy – Documentation Cell (Quality Assurance)
7.2 Controlled Copy – Warehouse Department.
8.0 History
Revision Number
Details For Change
Reason for Revision
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