sop for data integrity


sop for data integrity


The purpose of the Data Integrity Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is four-fold:
1.1.1 To describe the laboratory’s data integrity system,
1.1.2 To emphasize the paramount importance of ethics in the performance of all analytical work,
1.1.3 To obtain the commitment of laboratory staff to the principle that all analyses shall be performed in a controlled and documented manner, and
1.1.4 To ensure that laboratory staff consistently meet the specific ethical requirements defined in this data integrity plan.

This procedure applies to all analyses and activities performed within the laboratory and various activities performed in Production, Store, Human Resource, IT, Maintenance and Quality Assurance Department at

Head Quality Assurance:
3.1.1 To support and provide initial data integrity training and on-going annual training to all departmental heads and staff.
3.1.2 To ensure that only staff who sign the ethics agreement are allowed to work in the department.
Head HR:
3.2.1 To prepare and maintain the ethics agreement of each employee.
Quality Assurance Officer & IT Officer:
3.3.1 To perform in-depth review of laboratory reports and the data used to support them on a monthly basis.
3.3.2 To perform in-depth review of Production, HR, IT, Store, Maintenance and QA Department on monthly basis.
3.3.3 To prepare a summary of plan updates, on-going ethics/data integrity training and data integrity investigations to the senior                                  management. The summary shall cover the time period since the last on-site assessment

3.4 Senior Management:
3.4.1 To review summary of plan updates, on-going ethics/data integrity training and data integrity investigations provided by QA Officer and IT Officer.
3.4.2 To take actions on employee who is not following the specific ethical requirements defined in this data integrity plan.

4.1 Department Head
4.2 Head Quality
5.1 Ethics Training:
5.1.1 Ethics training is a required part of new employee orientation.
5.1.2 Ethics training to be provided on an annual basis for all staff by respective Head of Department. Initial training during orientation                      includes the overall organizational mission and its relationship to the absolute need for honesty and full disclosure in all analytical                      reporting and record-keeping.
5.1.3 The initial orientation to be immediately followed-up by respective Head of Department/Designee with the specifics of the data                               integrity plan. Examples are described that illustrate unethical behavior and ethical behavior related to laboratory data/other                              activities data manipulation.
5.1.4 The organizations response to infractions of the data integrity plan will be discussed and the trainee shall understand that infractions                    will be investigated in a detailed way. The consequences to an employee found to be in violation of the data integrity plan may result                   in immediate termination, debarment, and/or civil/criminal prosecution. Confidentiality is assured during this process.
5.2 Ethics Agreement:
5.2.1 Following initial ethics training, employee shall sign a written ethics agreement. HOD of respective department and HR Head shall also            sign the agreement. The agreement states that the signers will not engage in any unethical practices with respect to data integrity nor                will they tolerate improper behavior in others if it is observed or suspected. By signing, HOD acknowledge their duties in upholding the            spirit and intent of the data integrity system and in effectively implementing the specific requirements of the plan.

Data integrity review schedule to be prepared by QA covering all departments and accordingly data integrity to be verified in                               coordination with IT Officer.
The purpose of the review is to verify that all data integrity requirements are met. Therefore the QA Officer and IT Officer

shall have an in-depth understanding of typical inappropriate analytical behavior and be trained in the data integrity system
Data integrity review: Reports and the data used to support them are randomly selected by the Quality Control Officer and IT Officer for auditing. Quality                    Assurance Officer and IT Officer to audit 5 % or 5 data packages, whichever is more in every month of all department. In QC, unknown reference samples may be submitted for analysis as real samples by the QA Officer,

(Unknown to the analyst) as part  of any project or event Data and results of the reference sample are reviewed by the QA Officer to                 verify that all data integrity requirements are met.
QA Officer and IT Officer to discuss the data integrity review findings with Head of respective department and Head QA. QA Officer                  and IT Officer to prepared data integrity report as per Format No.:   for ‘Data integrity review report’ and the same shall be                                     forwarded to concerned department, Head QA and senior management.
All data integrity incidents to be documented, including investigative findings as per SOP No.: for “Handling of Non-compliance”.                      Corrective and preventive actions to be taken as per SOP No. for “Corrective Action and Preventive Action”. Based  on                                           the root – cause identified, Senior Management in coordination with concerned HOD and Head QA shall take action on                                       employee who is not following the specific ethical requirements defined in this data integrity plan.
Note: Agreement from each individual employee for Data Integrity Ethics shall be taken by HR department after induction                                  training. Refer Format No.

6.1 Trainer – Head-Quality.
6.2 Trainee – All Concern Person.
6.3 Period – One hour or as per required.
7.1 One set of master copy & controlled copy submitted the quality assurance department.
8.1   Data Integrity Review Report
8.2   Data Integrity Review Schedule
8.3  Data Integrity Agreement
9.1    SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
9.2    QA : Quality Assurance
9.3    QC : Quality Control
9.4    HR : Human Resource
9.5    IT : Information Technology
9.6    MS : Maintenance
9.7    WH : Warehouse
9.8    HOD : Head of Department


Revision Reason for Revision Effective Date
00 New SOP



Sr. No. Data Checked Personnel involved in activity Observation








Employee Name:


Employee Code:

Date of Joining:

I hereby declare that data integrity requirement of ABC Pvt. Ltd. is explained to me and I shall follow it strictly.

  1. I will not share company’s confidential data during and after my service.
  2. I will not share my password, log in ID with any one.
  3. All data entry will done timely.
  4. I will not alter any data for its accuracy and correctness.
  5. I shall follow specification and SOP strictly.
  6. I will not manipulate equipment and instrument to get the desired results.
  7. I will bring into the notice and supervisors if any discrepancy observed.



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Performance requalification report of visual inspectors

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sop for cleaning and operation of sugar syrup manufacturing vessel

sop for cleaning issuance and retrieval of accessories and change parts

sop for Cleaning and operation of visual inspection conveyor belt

sop for Cleaning and operation of spray gun and assemble

sop for Fogging in Aseptic and Non Aseptic Area



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