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cleaning and operation of discard autoclave



cleaning and operation of discard autoclave


1.1 To describe a procedure for the operation and cleaning of Discard autoclave in microbiology laboratory.
2.1 This procedure is applicable for the operation of discard autoclave which is used for discarding used media from various testing in Microbiology Laboratory
3.1 Officer Microbiologist
3.2 Executive Microbiologist

4.1 Head – QC

5.1 Material Required
5.1.1 Used Culture Media, Autoclavable polybags, Sterilization indicator strips, sterile gloves, face mask.
5.2 Equipments Required
5.2.1 Discard Autoclave

5.3 Operation:

5.3.1 Ensure the level of water in autoclave is sufficient.
5.3.2 Put the Media bin into autoclave and cover the lid of autoclave along with sterilization indicator strip.
5.3.3 Adjust all the six clamps on autoclave lid and then close the clamps by tightening their knobs properly.
5.3.4 Ensure that the steam release valve is closed.
5.3.5 Ensure that the pressure gauge is showing zero pressure.
5.3.6 Turn “ON” the power switch.

5.3.7 Note down the start time of autoclave in record.

5.3.8 Slowly release the air from autoclave when pressure raises up to 5 psi.

5.3.9 When the pressure reaches to 15 psi note down the time and let the process run for 30 minutes from this time.
5.3.10 After 30 minutes turn of the power switch of autoclave and slowly release the steam of autoclave by opening the steam release valve.
5.3.11 After “END OF PROCESS” when pressure reaches to the ZERO, Wear protective latex gloves and face mask and open the lid of autoclave. Remove the sterilized items and keep at proper place.

5.3.12 Take out the sterilization indicator from autoclave and check the status of sterilization with the help of color indication on indicator and attach the indicator strip in record.
5.4 Precaution

5.4.1 Don’t touch the external surface of autoclave during its sterilization cycle.
5.4.2 Wear latex gloves and face mask while unloading the material.

5.4.3 Remove the air from autoclave by opening the steam release valve when the pressure rises to 5 psi.
5.4.4 After closing the autoclave lid, check that the lid is locked properly so that it does not get opened by the pressure.
5.4.5 If the safety valve does not release steam, and if pressure rises above 20 psi, turn the autoclave off immediately.

5.4.6 Before loading ensure that autoclave chamber is clean and water level is sufficient.
5.4.7 Always remove air from chamber after starting the autoclave by opening the steam release valve when pressure rises up to 5psi.
5.5 Cleaning
5.5.1 Ensure the power supply is off before starting cleaning operation.

5.5.2 Deduct the autoclave from outside.
5.5.3 Ensure the chamber surfaces are at a temperature below 40 0C.

5.5.4 Open the autoclave and remove the trays from the autoclave chamber.

5.5.5 Before starting the operations, clean the chamber, door and inner surfaces with the scrubber and wash thoroughly with purified water.

5.5.6 Allow the water to drain.

5.5.7 Wipe the cleaned surfaces with dry cloth.
5.5.8 Remove the drain strainer, clean if any residual fibers, lint or sedimentation is formed in the pores.

Frequency for Cleaning – weekly


6.1 Nil
7.1 In House
Discard Autoclave Sterilization Record
9.1 QC : Quality Control
9.2 QCM. : Quality Control Microbiology

9.3 SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
9.4 QA : Quality Assurance
9.5 PSI : Per square inch
9.6 IPA : Iso Propyl Alcohol


discard autoclave sterilization record




Lot No.

Sterilization                               temperature




Start Time


End Time

Sterilization Hold

Done By




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