Growth Promotion Test In Microbiology Laboratory

Growth Promotion Test In Microbiology Laboratory


1.1 To lay down the procedure for Growth Promotion Test to check the fertility of the procured culture media.

2.1 This procedure applicable for Growth Promotion Test In Microbiology Laboratory

3.1 Microbiologist QC

4.1 Q. C. Manager

5.1.1 The receipt of microbiological media, its entry should be done in media stock records with details such as Batch Number,

Quantity received, Expiry date, Date of opening, Date of issue, Bottle No. issued, Balance quantity, Opened and checked by.
5.1.2 The microbiological media is stored in an appropriate place of storage as per instruction given on container.
5.1.3 Each new lot of microbiological media shall be qualified for Growth Promotion Test.

5.2.1 Culture medium, Normal saline (0.9%), Petri plates, Inoculating loop, Sterile L- spreader, Media Test Tube, Micropipette (100-1000µl), Micro tips (100-1000µl),& Microbial culture.

5.3.1 HLAF, Autoclave, BOD Incubators (32.5˚C ± 2.5˚C & 22.5˚C ± 2.5˚C, 43˚C ± 1˚C).

5.4 Methodology

5.5 Preparation of culture suspension

5.5.1 Take a freshly prepared culture which should not be more than 48 hrs. old.
5.5.2 Harvest the complete microorganism growth in normal saline tube.
5.5.3 Prepared the culture suspension as per SOP

5.6 Growth Promotion Test for Agar Media
5.6.1 Prepare the required agar media as per SOP for Media preparation.
5.6.2 Spread on the media plates by sterile spreader not less than 0.1 ml of culture suspension containing not more

than 100 cfu for each organism with the help of Micropipette.

5.6.3 Use at least two Petri plates for each medium and each of the dilution.
5.6.4 Incubate all the plates at temperature and time as per required by the organism.
(Refer incubation table ).
5.6.5 Also put a blank media plate as negative control and incubate at appropriate temperature and
5.6.6 Calculate the mean count and number of cfu observe the plates and note down the results in
5.7 Growth Promotion Test for Media broth
5.7.1 Prepare the media as per SOP for Media preparation .
5.7.2 Add 1.0 ml of culture suspension containing not more than 100 cfu per ml in media test tube.
with the help of 1000 µl Micropipette.
5.7.3 Label a blank media tube as negative control.
5.7.4 Incubate the tubes as per time and temperature specified for the organism. The incubation
time for negative control does not less than 5 days. (Refer incubation table).
5.7.5 Observe the tubes for turbidity and note down the results in the record.
5.8 Inhibitory Properties of Liquid and Solid media
5.8.1 Prepare the media as per SOP for Media preparation .
5.8.2 Inoculate the appropriate medium with not less than 100 cfu of the appropriate microorganism
5.8.3 Incubate at the specified temperature for the time specified in the test. (Refer incubation table ).
5.8.4 There should not be any growth of the microorganism on this medium.
5.9 Indicative properties
5.9.1 Prepare the required agar media as per SOP for Media preparation .
5.9.2 Spread on the media plates by sterile spreader not less than 1.0 ml of culture suspension containing not

more than 100 fu for each organism with the help of Micropipette.
5.9.3 Incubate all the plates at temperature and time as per required by the organism.
(Refer Incubation table).
5.9.4 Also put a blank media plate as negative control and incubate at appropriate temperature and time.
5.9.5 Compare the appearance of Colony morphology and indication reaction, obtained with previously
tested and approved batch/Lot of medium.
5.10 Observation – The test media is considered satisfactory, if definite microbial growth
i.e. colonies or turbidity appears in all the containers with in the period specified.

5.11 The negative control does not show any presence of microbial growth.
Note:- % Recovery of the test media should not differ by a factor greater than 2 from the standard inoculums used.

Name of media

to be used

Microorganism to be used For testing Microorganism used For Inhibitory /Indicative    Incubation





Fluid Thioglycollate medium

Ps. aeruginosa   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Cl.Sporogenes   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Environment isolates   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
 Soyabean Casein Digest medium

(For Sterility)

Bacillus subtilis   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
C .albicans –    22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
A. brasiliensis   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
Soyabean Casein Digest medium

(For Water Testing)

Ps. aeruginosa   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
E coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Cl.Sporogenes   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Environment isolates   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
C. albicans   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
A.brasiliensis   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar C. albicans   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
A.brasiliensis   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
Cetrimide agar base Ps. aeruginosa E.coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
R.V. S. Enrichment Broth Salmonella abony S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar Salmonella abony E.coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
MacConkey agar E. coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
MacConkey broth E. coli S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Mannitol Salt agar S. aureus E. coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Enterobacteria enrichment broth mossel E. coli S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
P. aeruginosa S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar E. coli P.aeruginosa   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs



New B.No. Received of SCDA


P. aeruginosa   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
E. coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
S. abony   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Bacillus subtilis   32.5 + 2.5 48to72 hrs
Cl.Sporogenes   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
Environment isolates   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
C. albicans   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs
A.brasiliensis   22.5 + 2.5 72to120hrs

R2A Agar

Ps. aeruginosa   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
S. aureus   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
E coli   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
S. abony   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs
B.subtilis   32.5 + 2.5 48 to 72hrs

Growth promoting every autoclave lot media. Inhibitory and indicative properties of media whenever new media lot received

and end the container. In case of Soyabean Casein Digest Agar perform growth performance test at receiving time.


Sr. No. Abbreviation used Full form of abbreviation used
1.0 SOP Standard Operating Procedure
2.0 IPA Iso Propyl Alcohol
3.0 QA Quality assurance
4.0 SCM Soyabean Casein Digest Medium
5.0 IP Indian Pharmacopeia
6.0 HLAF Horizontal Laminar Air Flow
7.0 cfu Colony Forming Unit


sop for calibration and validation of micro autoclave

sop for Sterility failure investigation

cleaning and operation of discard autoclave

sop for operation of fogger machine

sop for Biological assay of lactic acid bacillus

sop for preparation of culture inoculum

STP for sterility testing of sterile gloves

sop for Operation and calibration of active air sampler

sop for transfer of material for testing and sampling in sterile area

entry & exit procedure in microbiology laboratory

Growth Promotion Test In Microbiology Laboratory

Operation of B.O.D in Microbiology Laboratory

Operation of Horizontal Laminar Air Flow in the microbiology laboratory

Operation and cleaning of Pass Box.

Operation and cleaning of air sampler

Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware

Analysis of water for microbial load in microbiology lab

Operation and temperature monitoring of Refrigerator

Fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory.

Entry & Exit procedure In Sterility Area

SOP for Microbial analysis of Raw Material Finished Products

SOP for Operation & Calibration of pH meter in Micro Department

SOP for Operation & Calibration of pH meter in Micro Department

SOP Operation and calibration of Hot Air Oven In Microbiology

SOP for operation cleaning & calibration of Digital colony counter

SOP for Operation And Cleaning of Microscope

sop for Media Preparation and Consumption

sop for Receipt Storage and Usage of Culture Media

sop for Cleaning Sanitization And Disinfection In Microbiology

sop for Environmental monitoring of all the Classified area

sop for Handling and Sub culturing of Microbial cultures

sop for Media Growth Promotion Test and various Microbiological test

sop for BOD incubator operation and cleaning

sop sampling of water for microbiological analysis

sop for Disinfectant Efficacy Test

sop for for cleaning and operation of vortex mixture

sop for Temperature & Relative Humidity Monitoring

sop for Operation and Calibration of Heating Block

sop for Sterility Testing of Microbiology

sop for Disposal of Culture Media

sop for Drain point of Microbiology

sop for entry & exit procedure In Microbial limit test and Biosafety

sop for Gram Staining of Bacteria in Microbiology Laboratory

sop for Monitoring of Compressed Air/gases for microbiological analysis

sop for BET (Bacterial Endotoxin) test in Microbiology

sop for receipt storage and Determining the population of Biological indicators

sop for qualification of analyst microbiologist

sop for Bioburden test of Packing materials in Microbiology Laboratory

sop for microbiological assay of erythromycin antibiotic

sop for liquid particle counter

sop for operation and calibration of digital zone reader

sop for monitoring of ultraviolet efficiency LAF and pass box

microbiological assay of cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12

gowning procedure for microbiological testing area

swab testing of various surfaces for bioburden determination

sop for endotoxin challenge test

Hold time study protocol for sterilized media

sop for personnel Qualification protocol for aseptic area

sop for sampling and testing of drain water

Sop for Operation of Airborne Particle Counter

sop for Inoculum Preparation

sop for Validation protocol of steam sterilizer autoclave

sop for pathogen detection from drain point

Sop for Analysis of Raw water Purified water water for injection and pure steam water

sop for preservatives efficacy test

sop for collection and preservation of in house isolated microorganisms

sop for Operation Calibration and Maintenance of Micropipette

Sop for UV Efficacy Test

sop for gram staining

Sop for swab testing

sop for microbiological testing of water


sop for depyrogenation of apparatus

sop for media preparation

sop for fertility test growth promotion test of media

sop for Operation and cleaning of moist heat sterilizer

sop for monitoring by active air sampler

sop for swab sampling and testing for clean rooms in production area

sop for monitoring in microbiology laboratory

sop for Fumigation of aseptic area and microbiology lab

sop for monitoring of personnel in aseptic area

sop for maintenance of cultures

sop for Operation and cleaning of laminar bench

preparation of settle plates

sop for monitoring of pure steam

sop for entry and exit procedure to m.l.t and b.e.t room

sop for storage of and use of media

sop for disposal of microbiological media and cleaning of microbiological glassware









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