Hold time study protocol for sterilized media



S. No Description
1.0 Protocol Approval
2.0 Objective
3.0 Purpose and Scope
4.0 Responsibility
5.0 Qualification Team
6.0 Training
7.0 Methodology
8.0 Acceptance Criteria
9.0 Qualification report
10.0 Approval of qualification report
11.0 Re-qualification
12.0 Discrepancy And Corrective Action Report
13.0 Abbreviation


This is a specific protocol for the validation of storage of sterilized media [Solid & Liquid] which shall be stored in the Microbiology laboratory.
Media are used for the product analysis testing and environment monitoring. The media are sterilized in the validated Steam Heat Sterilizer. After the sterilization process, they are unloaded in the aseptic area. The media are stored at room temperature in microbiology laboratory. The validation study consists of sterilization of media, holding them for a specified length of time after sterilization. The media testing at different time intervals for check the fertility & sterility level. The purpose of this study is to verify and establish the hold time for sterilized media before their actual usage.

The Objective is to perform the validation of storage of sterilized media [Liquid & Solid] which shall be stored in the Microbiology laboratory.
The purpose of this activity is to evaluate the sterilized media storage [Solid & Liquid] in microbiology laboratory.
The scope is limited to evaluate the sterilized media storage [Solid & Liquid] in microbiology laboratory.
Department Responsibility
Microbiology Execution of Protocol & Report.
Recording of observation, collection of data and filling of report.
Microbiologist shall be responsible for performing the validation activity.
Engineering & Utility To ensure that all the required utilities are working as per respective SOPs.
To ensure that the related instruments and equipment’s are in calibrated and validated status.
To ensure that environmental conditions of all areas met the requirements.
Quality Control Review of the Validation report

Quality Assurance Verification of protocol completeness, accuracy and suitability for application.
Scheduling and conducting of validation runs.
Validation data compilation and review.
Review of the Validation report, documents and its compliance to meet the acceptance criteria of the protocol.
Identification of Executors: All the identified executors involved with this Protocol are to Record Name, Designation, Signature and Date.



  Officer /Executive – Microbiology

      Head – Microbiology

    Quality Assurance – Officer /Executive

All concerned personnel shall be given training on validation of hold time study of media after sterilization. All necessary aspects related validation procedure shall be explained in this training programme. The training record shall be attached in Annexure
7.1 Sterilization of media:
7.1.1 Prepared the media as per SOP on “Preparation of media plates, slant and tube for microbiological Analysis”.
7.1.2 Sterilized the media as per SOP on “Operation Cleaning and Maintenance of Autoclave” for study of Hold Time for Media.
7.1.3 Unload in aseptic area media complete of sterilization cycle.
7.1.4 Preparation of Liquid (Broth) test medium The SCDM, FTGM, MCB and RVSE medium shall be prepared as per the current SOP on “Preparation of media plates, slant and tube for microbiological Analysis” as per the required quantities for the validation purpose in 100 & 10 mL tube. The necessary entries for the prepared media shall be documented in the respective media preparation records. The medium shall be prepared and dispensed in 100 mL tubes as per the “Preparation of media plates, slants and tubes for microbiological analysis”. The sterilized medium shall be unloaded and shall be stored in the aseptic area at 20-25oC for the validation study. The sterilized medium shall be stored at 20-25oC for the maximum time period of 24 days and the time intervals for the validation study shall be of the following listed down time periods.

  • Day 0.
  • Day 03.
  • Day 06.
  • Day 09.
  • Day 12.
  • Day 15.
  • Day 18.
  • Day 21.
  • Day 24.

7.1.5 Preparation of Solid test media The SCDA, SDA/SCA and Selective media shall be prepared as per the current SOP on “Preparation of media plates, slant and tube for microbiological Analysis” as per the required quantities for the validation purpose. The necessary entries for the prepared media shall be documented in the respective media preparation records. The medium shall be prepared and dispensed in 20-25 mL as per the “Preparation of media plates, slants and tubes for microbiological analysis”. The media plate shall be stored in the aseptic area at 20-25oC for the validation study. The sterilized medium shall be stored at 20-25oC for the maximum time period of 25 days and the time intervals for the validation study shall be of the following listed down time periods.

  • Day 0.
  • Day 03.
  • Day 06.
  • Day 09.
  •  Day 12.

7.2 List of cultures for the challenge study.
4.1.1 The cultures as listed in Table-I shall be selected as the challenge organisms for the validation study.
All the eight organisms shall be selected for the validation study.
S. No. Name of Culture ATCC

S. No. Name of Culture ATCC


1 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538


2 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027


3 Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633


4 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 11437


5 Escherichia colli ATCC 8739
6 Salmonella ATCC 6633
7 Candida albicans ATCC 10231


8 Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404


7.3 Preparation of challenge inoculum for performing the validation study [Inoculum of 10-100CFU/mL].
7.3.1 The cultures as listed in Table I shall be quantified for the inoculum for the countable range of 10-100CFU/mL as per the approved SOP on “Inoculum preparation” and shall be used within a period of 10± 1 day.
7.4 Test Procedure
7.4.1 The GPT shall be performed as per the current SOP on “Growth promotion, inhibition and indicative properties”.
7.4.2 The test organisms selected shall be of all organisms as per listed in Table-I.
7.4.3 GPT shall be performed for the sterilized & stored medium vials for the specified time intervals as per above mentioned.
7.4.4 The quantified culture suspension from the refrigerator shall be taken out and shall be allowed to acclimatize at room temperature.
7.4.5 The test performed as per explain culture with specific media in SOP of growth promotion, inhibition and indicative properties.
7.4.6 Take the media tube and performed the Growth promotion test as per growth promotion, inhibition and indicative properties.
7.4.7 The test performed under laminar air flow and shall be inoculated through sterilized micropipette tips using a calibrated micropipette of 10 – 100 CFU/ mL of each medium of the organism listed in Table –I.
7.4.8 The activity shall be performed in an aseptic condition in the LAF station of the microbial limit test room of the controlled area of the Microbiology laboratory.
7.4.9 The inoculated FTGM tube shall be incubated at 30 –35o C for a maximum period of 72 hrs. in case of bacteria.
7.4.10 The inoculated SCDM tube shall be incubated and at 20 –25o C for a maximum period of 72 hrs. in case of bacteria and 120 hrs. in case of Fungus & Yeast.
7.4.11 The inoculated MCB tube shall be incubate at 42-44oC for a maximum period of 24 hrs. inhibition for 48 hrs.
7.4.12 As a negative control shall be kept one tube of sterilized media incubate parallel of test.
7.4.13 The test repeats above mention time respectively.
7.4.14 Microbiologist shall observe the incubated tube for the growth in the form of turbidity.
7.4.15 The observed results shall be documented in the format and shall be attached as Annexure-II.
7.4.16 For solid media shall be performed growth promotion test as per respective sop of growth promotion, inhibition and indicative properties as per above mention time interval.
7.5 Procedure for pH & Physical condition
7.5.1 The pH and visual observation for colour shall be performed before the sterilization of the medium once.
7.5.2 The pH and physical condition for colour shall be performed after sterilization during the specified time intervals of the medium to notice any change in color and pH as record of annexure –III.
7.5.3 The pH testing & physical observation for colour shall be performed in the media preparation room of the Microbiology laboratory.
7.5.4 The observed results shall be documented in the format and shall be attached as Annexure-III.

  • The sterilized media sample at various time intervals shall show the growth after incubation at the specified temperature & time.
  • For solid media the growth obtained must not differ by a factor of 2 from the calculated value of a standardized inoculum.
  • The sterilized solid media at various time intervals shall show the growth obtained must not differ by a factor of 2 from the calculated value of a standardized inoculum during after incubation at the specified temperature & time.


  • The validation report shall consist of a summary document, which shall describe the activities carried out during the validation exercise. The validation report shall also detail the results of the validation exercise and the inference drawn from it.
  • The investigation shall be carried out if any deviations from the established limits as per the protocol. The proper investigation shall be carried out to find out the root cause. Based on the root cause the corrective actions shall be recommended.
  • Any deviation observed during the Hold Time Study shall be reported and final decision shall be taken by Head-QA.
  •  All the data shall be attached to the validation report as Annexure

10.1 The report shall be evaluated and proper references / conclusions / recommendations shall be recorded by quality assurance.
10.2 The media monitoring report shall be evaluated and finally approved by quality assurance.
11.1 Re-qualification of all individuals shall take place once every two years.
12.1 Document any discrepancies observed during the personnel qualification record. Include the corrective actions of the same. When all the discrepancies are satisfactorily resolved or an approved action plan is developed which ensures that the discrepancy will be resolved.
Abbreviation Definitions
HTS Hold Time Study
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
NA Not Applicable
No. Number
% Percentage
°C Degree Centigrade
Cfu Colony Forming Unit
SCDA Soyabean Casein Digest Agar
MLT Microbial Limit Test
cm Centimetre
LAF Laminar Air Flow

Name of Media Date of Preparation
Media Sterilization Lot No. Date of Sterilization
Hold time started on Interval time
Incubator ID No. Tested by
Date of testing Date of Observation
Name of Cultures Standardized Inoculum Observation Percentage


Tube/Plate-I Tube/Plate-II
Inhibitory Properties
Name of Culture Standardized Inoculum Observation Percentage


Plate/Tube-I Plate/Tube-II
Detail of Culture Suspension
Name of Culture Date of Preparation Valid upto Report No. Remark
Ø  The growth obtained must not differ by a factor of 2 from the calculated value of a standardized         inoculum.

Ø  In case of broth medium there should be visible growth appears within the specified incubation time and temperature.

Remarks:The above hold time mediacomplies / does not comply as per the In house Specification.



Observed By                                                       Checked By                                Approved By Date:                                                                            Date:                                        Date:

sop for calibration and validation of micro autoclave

sop for Sterility failure investigation

cleaning and operation of discard autoclave

sop for operation of fogger machine

sop for Biological assay of lactic acid bacillus

sop for preparation of culture inoculum

STP for sterility testing of sterile gloves

sop for Operation and calibration of active air sampler

sop for transfer of material for testing and sampling in sterile area

entry & exit procedure in microbiology laboratory

Growth Promotion Test In Microbiology Laboratory

Operation of B.O.D in Microbiology Laboratory

Operation of Horizontal Laminar Air Flow in the microbiology laboratory

Operation and cleaning of Pass Box.

Operation and cleaning of air sampler

Cleaning and Sterilization of Glassware

Analysis of water for microbial load in microbiology lab

Operation and temperature monitoring of Refrigerator

Fumigation of Microbiology Laboratory.

Entry & Exit procedure In Sterility Area

SOP for Microbial analysis of Raw Material Finished Products

SOP for Operation & Calibration of pH meter in Micro Department

SOP for Operation & Calibration of pH meter in Micro Department

SOP Operation and calibration of Hot Air Oven In Microbiology

SOP for operation cleaning & calibration of Digital colony counter

SOP for Operation And Cleaning of Microscope

sop for Media Preparation and Consumption

sop for Receipt Storage and Usage of Culture Media

sop for Cleaning Sanitization And Disinfection In Microbiology

sop for Environmental monitoring of all the Classified area

sop for Handling and Sub culturing of Microbial cultures

sop for Media Growth Promotion Test and various Microbiological test

sop for BOD incubator operation and cleaning

sop sampling of water for microbiological analysis

sop for Disinfectant Efficacy Test

sop for for cleaning and operation of vortex mixture

sop for Temperature & Relative Humidity Monitoring

sop for Operation and Calibration of Heating Block

sop for Sterility Testing of Microbiology

sop for Disposal of Culture Media

sop for Drain point of Microbiology

sop for entry & exit procedure In Microbial limit test and Biosafety

sop for Gram Staining of Bacteria in Microbiology Laboratory

sop for Monitoring of Compressed Air/gases for microbiological analysis

sop for BET (Bacterial Endotoxin) test in Microbiology

sop for receipt storage and Determining the population of Biological indicators

sop for qualification of analyst microbiologist

sop for Bioburden test of Packing materials in Microbiology Laboratory

sop for microbiological assay of erythromycin antibiotic

sop for liquid particle counter

sop for operation and calibration of digital zone reader

sop for monitoring of ultraviolet efficiency LAF and pass box

microbiological assay of cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12

gowning procedure for microbiological testing area

swab testing of various surfaces for bioburden determination

sop for endotoxin challenge test

Hold time study protocol for sterilized media

sop for personnel Qualification protocol for aseptic area

sop for sampling and testing of drain water

Sop for Operation of Airborne Particle Counter

sop for Inoculum Preparation

sop for Validation protocol of steam sterilizer autoclave

sop for pathogen detection from drain point

Sop for Analysis of Raw water Purified water water for injection and pure steam water

sop for preservatives efficacy test

sop for collection and preservation of in house isolated microorganisms

sop for Operation Calibration and Maintenance of Micropipette

Sop for UV Efficacy Test

sop for gram staining

Sop for swab testing

sop for microbiological testing of water


sop for depyrogenation of apparatus

sop for media preparation

sop for fertility test growth promotion test of media

sop for Operation and cleaning of moist heat sterilizer

sop for monitoring by active air sampler

sop for swab sampling and testing for clean rooms in production area

sop for monitoring in microbiology laboratory

sop for Fumigation of aseptic area and microbiology lab

sop for monitoring of personnel in aseptic area

sop for maintenance of cultures

sop for Operation and cleaning of laminar bench

preparation of settle plates

sop for monitoring of pure steam

sop for entry and exit procedure to m.l.t and b.e.t room

sop for storage of and use of media

sop for disposal of microbiological media and cleaning of microbiological glassware

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