sop for Operation Calibration and Maintenance of Micropipette


Operation Calibration and Maintenance of Micropipette

1.1 To lay down a procedure for the Operation, Calibration and Maintenance of Micropipette having capacity of
20µl to 200µl .
2.0. SCOPE :
2.1 This procedure is applicable for the Operation, Calibration and Maintenance of Micropipette of Microbiology
Laboratory of the Quality control department
3.1 Sr.Officer / Officer – Quality Control
3.1.1 For the operation and maintenance of Micropipette as per this SOP.

3.2 Manager /Asst. Manager/Designee – Quality Control
3.2.1. To ensure that the operation and maintenance of Micropipette is done as per this SOP.
3.2.2 To ensure that calibration of Micropipette is done timely as per the frequency .
3.2.3 To ensure the compliance of SOP.
4.1 Head – Quality Control Department
4.1.1 Head of the department is accountable to ensure the compliance of SOP for all aspects .
5.1.1 Clean the Micropipette by clean, dry cotton cloth before use .
5.1.2 Now take the one depyrogenated individually packed tip .
5.1.3 Place the tip firmly onto the end of the Micropipette .
5.1.4 Now adjust the required volume by the help of rotating knob ,provided on the top end of the Micropipette .
5.1.5 To increase the volume rotate the knob clock wise and to decrease the volume rotate the knob anti clock wise .

5.2.1 Take 2 ml dried vials . Place one such vial on the pan of analytical balance (0.1 mg

5.2.2 Place the tip firmly onto the end of the Micropipette .
5.2.3 Set the volume of pipette 20µl as per the below table no. of this SOP .
5.2.4 Pipette distilled water brought to 25° C ± 1° C into vial ,ensure that before pouring the distilled water in vial tare it properly , and weigh. Record the results in Annex – I. Likewise, repeat this using three more vials Record the results in the respective annex .
5.2.5 Divide the weight of water delivered by 0.99602 to obtain actual volume in ml. Take the
average of four readings .
5.2.6 Repeat the above said procedure also for the rest volumes i.e. 60µl , 100µl, 140µl and 200µl .
5.2.5 In case if the results obtained during calibration are not falling in acceptance criteria , inform to Head-QC , Head-QA ,Engineering department and or the respective service provider (as applicable) .

Pipette ID.No.
Capacity 20-200µl
Set volume Limit
20µl 19.8 – 20.2 µl
60µl 59.4 – 60.6 µl
100µl 99 – 101 µl
140µl 138.6 – 141.4 µl
200µl 198 – 202 µl

5.2.7 Frequency : Half Yearly . Tolerance window :  10 days .

5.5.1 Record the nature of problem as soon as the problem is noticed during usage of the equipment .
5.5.2 Intimation to maintenance department shall be given according to the breakdown memo as per
SOP no

5.5.3 Whenever the respective equipment is out of order or is malfunctioning ,put the tag as per the format mentioned below :


5.3.1 If the handle and/or piston has been changed the pipette must be recalibrated. If the O-ring and/or tip cone has
been changed it is recommended to check the calibration .



NAME                     :
I D  NO                   :
LOCATION             :
DATE                      :
SIGN (USER)          :
SIGN (E&M)            :



Sr. No. Abbreviation used Full form of abbreviation used
1.0 QC Quality Control
2.0 Ltd. Limited
3.0 SOP Standard Operating procedure
4.0 ml.  Millie Liter
5.0 ° C Degree Celsius
6.0 µl Micro Liter
7.0 ID.No. Identity Number
8.0 QA Quality Control
9.0 DGM Deputy General Manager
Sr. No. Abbreviation used Full form of abbreviation used
10.0 Sr. Senior

7.1. Annexure – I : Calibration of Micropipette .


Sr. No. Reference Title Author Name Edition
                  —-          —–      —-

Annexure – I

Calibration of Micropipette

Set volume Actual wt. of WFI at 25° C Actual volume

wt. / 0.997 g/ml

(at 25° C)

Average volume Acceptance Criteria
20ml 19.8 – 20.2 µl
60ml 59.4 – 60.6 µl
100ml 99-101 µl
140ml 138.6-141.4 µl
200ml 198-202 µl

Frequency       :           Every six month


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