sop for sampling and testing of drain water


sop for sampling and testing of drain water


1.1 The objective of this SOP is to define the procedure for sampling (before sanitization and after sanitization) and testing of drain water.
2.1 This SOP is applicable for sampling for sampling (before sanitization and after sanitization) and testing of drain water and Microbiological Analysis
3.1 Microbiologist-Quality control- To follow the SOP sampling for sampling (before sanitization and after sanitization) and testing of drain water for Microbiological Analysis.
3.2 Head- Quality Control – Training on SOP.
3.3 Head- Quality Control- Implementation & follow up of SOP.
4.1 Head – Quality Control

5.1 In-House

6.1 As per procedure.

7.1 Collect approx 20 ml of drain sample (Before and after sanitization) in sterile container from
the drainage using sterile pipette.
7.2 Use sucking bulb and Pipette for collection of sample.
7.3 Testing Procedure for TOTAL VIABLE COUNT
7.4 Take 1 ml sample and dilute to 9 ml with sterile peptone water (1:10 dilution )
7.5 Take 1 ml from 1:10 dilution & further dilute to 9 ml with sterile sterile peptone water
7.6 (1:100 dilution). Similarly prepare 1:1000 dilution.
7.7 Finally take 1 ml sample solution from 1: 100 dilution or 1:1000 dilution with the help of
7.8 sterile micro Recent Updates
7.9 pipette in to sterile Petri dish aseptically for Bacteria and fungi count.
7.10 Perform the test in duplicate.
7.11 Pour approximately 20 ml of Sayabean Casein digest agar for bacteria and Sabouraud dextrose
7.12 Fungi previously melted and cool to 45 0c in to two different plates and mix well by tilting
rotating. Allow solidifying.
7.13 Write down the location No. and date an each plate.
7.14 Incubate the SCD agar plate at 30-35°C for bacteria for 3 days and Sabouraud dextrose agar
plate at 20-25°C for fungi for 5 days
7.15 After incubation period, examine the plate far growth . (No. of colonies)
7.16 Calculate the average colonies of two plates in terms of cfu/ml.
7.17 Count the No. of colonies as per following calculation and record in Annexure I
7.18 Calculation
7.18.1 1 : 100 a If the plate show N No. of cfu, the No. of cfu/ml = N x 100
7.18.2 1 : 1000 a If the plate show N No. of clu, the No. of = N x 1000
7.18.3 Pathogen Testing as per SOP and Record the results in
Annexure – I
7.19 Frequency: Once in a month.

SOP : Standard Operating Procedure
QAD : Quality Assurance Department
QCD : Quality Control Department
IPA : Isoproply alcohol
NA : Not Applicable
No. : Number


ANNEXURE NO. Title of Annexure Format No. of Annexure
ANNEXURE I Microbial Monitoring Of Drain Point
ANNEXURE II Sampling Plan For Drain Point


Name Of Sample   Drain No.    
Location   Media used SCDA Lot No.  
Incubation Condition SCDA at 30-35 For 3 days

SDA at 30-35 For 5 days

SDA Lot No  
Peptone water Lot No.  
Date of sampling Sample dilution Dilution Factor(F) Cfu/plate (P) Cfu/ml(FxP) Mean cfu/ml
Bacteria Fungi Bacteria Fungi Bacteria Fungi
Before Sanitization  


After Sanitization                  
Before Sanitization:                                                                      After Sanitization:

Bacteria                    cfu/ml                                                         Bacteria:            cfu/mlFungi :                       cfu/ml                                                         Fungi :               cfu/ml 
Acceptance Criteria for After Sanitization: NMT 1000 du/ml for Bacteria

                                                                          NMT 100 cfu/ml far Fungi



Analyst by




Checked by



Date   Date  



Pathogen testing      


Soyabean casein digest Medium Lot No. Date of inoculation


Name of Pathogen Name of media Media Lot No. limit Result
E.coli MacConkey Broth Absent /ml
MacConkey Agar
Salmonella RVSE Broth Absent /10ml
Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar
Shigella GN Broth Absent /10ml
Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar
P. aeruginosa, Cetrimide Agar Absent /ml
S. aureus, Mannitol- Salt Agar Absent /ml



Analyst by




Checked by



Date   Date  





S. No. Type of Water Sampling Point No. Location Frequency
1.         Drain Water DW-01 Media Preparation Room (Micro Lab)  

Once in a month

2.         Drain Water DW-02 Autoclave Room (Micro Lab)
3.         Drain Water DW-03 Discarding Room (Micro Lab)
4.         Drain Water DW-04 Chemical Room
5.         Drain Water DW-05 Production Autoclave Room
6.         Drain Water DW-06  
7.         Drain Water DW-07  
8.         Drain Water DW-08  
9.         Drain Water DW-09  
10.      Drain Water DW-10  
11.      Drain Water DW-11  
12.      Drain Water DW-12  
13.      Drain Water DW-13  
14.      Drain Water DW-14  
15.      Drain Water DW-15  

Frequency:- Once in a month




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sop for disposal of microbiological media and cleaning of microbiological glassware







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